Sunday, December 26, 2010

White Christmas

Yesterday was Christmas day, as you already know, and let me tell, it was a GOOD one.

For a few days, forecasters had been saying we would get some snow, maybe 1-3 inches. I didn't think anything of it because I live in a small, Southeastern Tennessee town that rarely gets snow. I worked all day Christmas eve, then went to my Mamaw's house and had finger foods and opened presents there, then came home. I went to bed, and slept soundly, until I woke up and realized that it was Christmas day...

I went to the door, and lo and behold, SNOW!!! It was just a dusting, but it kept falling. After everyone was awake, but still sleepy-eyed, we passed out presents and opened them, and folks, I got THE BEST GIFT OF THE YEAR. My mom got me a ten piece set of Paula Dean cookware. I was thrilled.

Anyways, back to the snow. It kept falling, and falling, and before long, we had two inches! This was my FIRST ever White Christmas. Over all we ended up with about 7 inches, and today, it is still coming down hard!

I know that it isn't about snow or presents, but I think that God gave all of us southern folk a nice treat, especially those who have never had a White Christmas.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Woo Me

I have decided to return from my short sabbatical from the blog. I wasn't writing, frankly, because I had no words to say, no inspiration. I have recently been learning some things from God, one being that I am His Princess heir.

I bought a book called "His Princess Bride: Love Letters from Your Prince," and began reading it. In the first few pages, I began falling in love with Christ all over again, and realizing that He just wants us to surrender and let Him LOVE us. He wants to be every girl's "knight in shining armor," her first real love, and her eternal husband. The last part really poke to m as I read those words in the book. I realize that I am only 22, but finding that one man to be with for the rest of my life has been important to me for some time now. Reading that Jesus wants to be my eternal husband helped me to forget about trying to "find the one." In His time, that special man will come my way, and we will be happy forever. Until then, I am learning to trust Him and let Christ woo me and love on me as He wants to every girl.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It's Thanksgiving Eve! Yes, I do consider the day before Thanksgiving a holiday, even though no one else does.

I figured, for today, I could make an abbreviated list of things I am thankful for.

1. Jesus saving me
2. My lovely family
3. A home to keep me warm and safe
4. My car, even though she is a stubborn little thing sometimes
5. Having clothes to wear in these cold months, when I know that in many villages in Honduras, many people don't have sufficient clothing
6. I am thankful to have the opportunity to provide Christmas for two beautiful kids I know who's parents are in a rough patch
7. I am thankful for my friends and the time that we get to hang out and be typical girls
8. For the cooler weather
9. For the experiences I have had in Honduras that opened my eyes to a hurting world
10. For the many years to come

Monday, November 15, 2010


Yesterday, I taught on respect. What a touchy subject for a group of 7-11 year old kids.

I think they learned something though. I asked who they should respect, besides God, and they named all the normal answers, but left out one very important person. Themselves. They all looked puzzled when I said that they were leaving out one very important person, and they began going through the Trinity and I kept saying, "Yes, but no." It clicked when I said, "Yourselves." Each one was like, "OH YEAH! MYSELF!!"

I think that when taught about respect, the lessons don't usually include respecting themselves. It usually involves preaching to them about not misbehaving, back talking, and how they respect their elders and parents, but the self is never brought up.

I believe that it is imperative that we begin teaching the children of the world to respect themselves, early in life. That way they can love themselves and not cause their bodies harm.

Forgive me for the soap box rant.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You Didn't Tell Me I had to Drill

Last night, I had the pleasure of going to a friend's house and... PUT UP A CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!!!!! If you know me well, then you know my love for all things Christmas. So, naturally, when asked if I could come over and help with the raising of a tree, I immediately said YES very enthusiastically, via text message of course.

I arrived at her house and was greeted by hugs and screams, and the phrase, "COME LOOK AT MY KITCHEN!" Now, obviously, these screams and hugs came from a few little girls that are oh so precious and adorable, so after all the excitement over a new kitchen play set had waned, I went back to the kitchen where AB was cooking. She informed me that I would be in charge of the tree, which is awesome, because that's my FAVORITE part.

After putting it together, I do this thing (as taught to me by my mama) called, "fluffing the tree." I was quickly invaded by questions from the youngest little girl, wondering what in the world I was doing. I told her that I was fluffing the tree. She proceeded to help me "fluff the tree," all the while saying, over and over, "fluff the tree, fluff the tree!"

I had no idea that the tree was covered in glitter, or "blitter" if you are a 3 year old child. So, by the time we were finished, the entire living room was covered in glitter, and so was every body in the house, probably even the puppies.

I didn't know that I had also been brought to the house to do some drilling, but I managed to get a shelf hanged and helped get a lighted wreath suspended from a canopy. I just love being crafty. Even though I'm not very good at it.

So, that was my Monday evening. I loved every minute of it, even being climbed on by two little monkeys.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Serving the Least of These

Lately, God has been dealing with some things in my life, which is why I haven't written in a while.

Music is an important part of my life, I love it. I think of music as a mode of emotional expression and a way to show your passion about something. However, there are certain types of music that I feel I have been challenged to get out of my life. Not that they are evil or anything, just that they keep me from being right-minded, for lack of a better saying. It had caused me to take my focus off of God and my job as a Sunday school teacher, and being a servant of Him.

I have teaching on seeing the face of Jesus in people who may not be the cleanest or the healthiest to my class. I talked to them yesterday about how even if the person stinks and hasn't bathed in a while, they should try their best to serve him or her as Jesus would have. This can be hard to do, I understand, but I also believe that in order for this upcoming generation to understand what serving God is, they need to learn that if they see Jesus in the face of that person, and do a kind act for them, or, help them in anyway, then what they did for them, they did for Jesus.

The song "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath has been on my heart lately. I pray the lyrics at times because I want to see people how God sees them, I want to love people like God loves them. It has become my passion to serve the least of these.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Taking Advice from Jesus

What Would Jesus Do?

I recently found a book that I have had for years that was stashed away in a box with some old movies. The book is entitled "What Would Jesus Do?"

It's basically a book with answers to every day life questions, such as, "What would Jesus do if he knew someone was doing something wrong?" I never really gave the book any thought until I found it the other day, and figured it would be good to use for my lovely Sunday school class.

I mean, we could all take some advice from Jesus, right? It is filled with Bible verses on each subject, and little comments from individuals like Mother Teresa and others.

I shall let you know how it goes, but I'm sure it will go over well. My kids are eager to learn!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is It Possible?

Is it possible to love someone who you don't even know yet?

This is a question I have been turning over in my head for a while now. I have known that I will eventually marry someone, but of course, I am not even sure of who it is at this moment.

I can say that, I feel as though I love the person already, which sounds absolutely insane.

However, there isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about that person, and feel the love for him in my heart.

I try not to think about it all the time because, eventually, it wears me down that I am still single.

I apologize for the weirdness of this post. I had to write it out, so here I put it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Discourse Among the Nation

I can honestly say, even though I am only 22 years old, that I am shocked at how much the world (mainly the U.S.) has changed. I remember when I was little, I was made to play outside, at least a little, every single day until it got too cold. Now, kids plop themselves down in front of a screen and play computer games or video games.

I also remember the days when if I tried to wear shorts that were even a little too short, I would be sent back into my room to change into what my mom called "something decent." I cannot believe some of the things parents consider decent these days.

Call me old-fashioned or strange if you like, but I just do not appreciate seeing a boy's behind hanging out of his pants, or seeing a girl whose skirt is so short, you can see everything, if you catch my drift.

Know that in no way am I imparting judgement upon these individuals, but I do believe that it is up to the parent to say the 'n' word, referring to the word NO.

I can honestly say that I have taken my nieces shopping (ages 11 and 13) and they describe the clothes that celebrity designers are putting out there as trashy and unappealing. The fact that their mom (my sister) has instilled into them that wearing a skirt that shows their bottoms, or a shirt so tight and low, they may as well go without one, is not a way that they want to represent themselves. Again, no judgement imparted.

I was thinking about it today, how different things are, and how socially acceptable things are now that wouldn't have flown over so easy just a decade ago. It saddens me to see these things change like this.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Promises and the Ark

Again, I am still listening to Christmas music. It doesn't hurt to get in the spirit early.

Yesterday, I wrote about my wonderful Sunday school lesson. Now, I'm going to tell you about it.

I taught on Noah's Ark. I'm sure you think, "Lady, you teach 9-11 year olds, not four year olds." I thought the same thing, at first, until I read the whole lesson.

It was on God's promises, and promises in general.

We all know the story: God tells Noah to build an ark, which made him the laughing stock of the community. The joke was on those people when it rained for forty days and forty nights, and the water stuck around for around five months. The raven Noah sent out, just flew back and forth, the dove he sent out, came back twice and didn't return the third time. God told Noah that he was putting a sign on earth as a covenant. That sign was a rainbow. It was God's promise that he wouldn't send a flood to destroy the whole earth and all of man again.

We then talked about what promises are, and how absolutely no promise should be broken, and how it felt when a friend breaks a promise, especially if it involves a secret.

I don't know about you, but I haven't forgot about God's promises to me. He has given me plenty of rainbows to remind me that he has not forgotten, nor broken his promises.

I'm very thankful that he hasn't forgotten that promise.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Power and Christmas

I have neglected writing here, as well in my journal! The reason I haven't written here is because I have been dealing with myself being dumb and doubtful. I didn't think when I became a Sunday School teacher that I would suddenly begin to think that I am no good at it and that I am too boring for the kids. I did, even though people kept telling me that I am doing a great job and the kids are enjoying it so much.

It got to the point where I would put off trying to even search for a lesson until the Friday or Saturday before. Today, (Saturday) I thought to myself, "Guess I better go try to find a lesson on-line since I don't have one written out yet." I usually do not use the internet for my lessons, but today I did, and I am glad that I did too. I typed in "Sunday school lessons for 9-11," and a lesson on Noah's ark and promises came up. For some reason, I went to it, and I read it, and knew instantly that it was my lesson for Sunday (tomorrow).

I believe that something good will come out of this lesson and that the class will enjoy it.

The only thing I have to fight now, is to not feel like a zombie when I get up in the morning. I haven't gotten much sleep in two days, like roughly 5 hours, and on top of that I have a cold, thanks to my lovely mama. I feel a little like a walking dead person right now, but with some cold medicine, I'm sure that weird little feeling will go away.

I have to share my affinity for Christmas, Christmas music, Christmas music, and Christmastime in general. In fact, I have internet radio pulled up and Christmas music is playing. To top it off, I just finished watching "Elf" the movie, which is my favorite Christmas movie ever. I love to start Christmas stuff early. People think I am crazy, but is my absolute FAVORITE time of year! What can I say? In all caps, just for you: I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This week, our church is hosting a revival, and God has been on the move, and people have been healed, set free, and walls have crumbled beneath us. It has been a few months since our last revival, and I (along with many others) was in need of a serious refurbishing of the fire inside of me. Not that it ever completely died out, but I needed a fresh spark

It has been fantastic.

Now, the real reason I came to write, is Sunday school. Sunday, I only had two kids, and both happen to be related to me. So, we spend the forty-five minutes discussing miracles that Jesus performed, and how awesome and big he is. We put our requests into the prayer box and left. It seems that when you do not have a room full of boisterous children, time can pass pretty slowly. So, when it was almost time to leave, we were discussing fall festivals and pin ball toys. Yes, a small diversion away from the glory of Christ, but the bell was ringing, so it's okay, right?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Should I?

I cannot decide on whether or not I want to write a Sunday school lesson, or just wing it. I mean, I already have the stories of miracles picked out, even though I hate to limit the number, I'm just not sure if I wanna go and write a whole lesson.

Jesus did many great things, and by telling a few of the stories of accounted for miracles, I am hoping that the kids can see just how big their God is. I know they understand that they have a BIG God, but do they really understand his compassion, his healing nature, his love for his children?

I have put it off for two weeks just because I'm just not certain.

I strongly dislike being uncertain. I am a person who wants things done days ahead, and perfect. The last lesson I wrote was on worship, and I think that after I wrote out the lesson, i read over it at least four times a day, just to make sure that I had not left anything out and that it was written enough in the vernacular for my class to understand.

I try not to dumb it down too much because I want my kid's minds to expand in both knowledge and vocabulary. So much of today's words are abbreviations and what I call "text talk." No one really sits down to meaningful face-to-face conversations anymore.

That was sort of a soap box, and I am stepping off of it now. Sorry.

Anyhow, I guess, I will just read over the stories and see if I should write anything out.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Every day, I have a reason to thank my wonderful God. He lets me wake, he lets me breath, live, socialize, and basically, he keeps me going. I have to take my time today in thanking him for life.

I thank him for the beautiful sunsets and sunrises that he lets me see on a day to day basis. For example, the sunset above. This is one reason why I love living in the country. You get an unadulterated view of how impossibly beautiful God is. He paints the skies just for us, everyday.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rio Viejo

You know how when you love something so much, it sometimes hurts to be away from it? Well, I am having a day like that today. The picture above is from my most recent stay in a village in Rio Viejo, Honduras. The team and I walked down to the river to take a quick dip before dinner because, well, it's pretty hot there sometimes (well, a lot of times). It'shard to believe that during the rainy season, the rocks where I am standing are completely submerged beneath a raging river.

This past adventure was harder to leave for some reason. It's like the more I go, the more I want to stay and never come home. I think that a piece of my heart is still at Dyer Rural Jungle Hospital, in that beautiful rain forest of Rio Viejo.

I miss it.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Church and Food

Today, I made homemade pumpkin-raisin scones AND black and white brownies; which means there is cheesecake batter dropped into the pan of uncooked brownies. Let e just say that it smell REALLY good in my house right now.

Why are you making all those wonderfully delicious sweets, you may ask? Well, tomorrow is my church's homecoming. I figure I should make something to go along with all of the yummy food that will be involved tomorrow. I mean, chicken n' dumplings, fried chicken, turkey and dressing, macaroni and cheese, and many, many more dishes.

I am so very thankful that I live in the great south. People sure know how to cook some great southern traditions when it comes to church get together's.

Needless to say, I am looking forward to all the good food tomorrow. Oh, I cannot wait!!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Favorite Hobby

Okay, I finally finished my second model's photos. I can now share them with you, with her permission of course. Her name is Cassidy, and she happens to be my best friend from college. (I can say that now, since I graduated and all.)

One last shot from the local park. She wanted a field, so we found one. Which isn't hard when you are in the south. There just happens to be fields everywhere.

Here, she is sitting on some old railroad tracks. This is at the Mill too.

I call this the superstar door. You know, because of the rock star feel, the black door and the red star.

This is at a local landmark know as "The Mill." I have to say that this one is my favorite.

This is at a local park. Absolutely beautiful.

Okay, I promise to quit showcasing my best of friends on here!! I just needed to give ya'll a break from my Sunday school fever. Don't worry, it will return as soon as a begin writing my lesson on miracles. I figured that hearing a few miracles by Jesus will be good for them. For now, adiós!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hiking Pico Bonito

The above picture is of the waterfall in Pico Bonito National Park in Honduras. You can see it from the mountain road, but my team and I had the amazing chance to see it up close. The only way to get there was an intense hike. I think that it was definitely worth it, in the end. I was able to capture the image, even though it doesn't do the beauty of the falls justice.

Monday, September 27, 2010

GASP! Worship!

Okay, so after my nerves got the best of me, my lesson on worship turned out beautifully. The class was unbelievably participative and LOVED the pre-class worship session!!

I know! GASP!!

Who would have thought that a class that ranges in ages from 7 to 11 would even remotely enjoy a completely quiet moment to bask in the glory of God, for the duration of a song.

I was completely shocked. At the end of the lesson, I told them that we would be doing the pre-class worship session weekly, they all cheered, "YAAAAY!!!!" I am so glad that they are eager to praise God.

Okay, I know that this is totally off subject, but I am getting a wireless modem today, which means that I will finally be able to blog about Pico Bonito National Park in Atlantida, Honduras. The reason I can't so it now is because I am having to use the PC instead of my laptop, which happens to have all of my pictures on it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nerves and Fear

I can't help but to be nervous about my lesson tomorrow. It's something that is really going to be hard for the kids to sit still and not get bored; but, they need to hear it.

Most of them are at the age where it's time to understand the art of worship and why we do it. I feel that the newest session I am introducing in the morning will help them.

We are going to start class of by dimming the lights and turning on a worship song, so they can get a feel for the atmosphere. I hope that by doing this, God will light a flame in their hearts that will burn for worship.

I believe that we all are anointed for worship. Even the kids.

I pray that they will understand the lesson and take it to heart.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I have always loved taking pictures, it is something that my mom instilled into me when I was little. You see, she works in a photo lab that has huge clients and I've watched her work all my life, thus falling in love with the art. i would love to turn this hobby into a paid hobby. I would never do it full-time because my passion is teaching the correlation between science and God to eager young minds, not only in the U.S., but in other countries as well, preferably Honduras. I thought that I could throw in a few pictures, just ones that are on my PC, the others are on my laptop, so maybe another post later? Here goes!
Meet Anna. My first model.


This is Anna. She was willing to be my model for the day!

Again, Anna. I feel like this one has a bit of an "Alice in Wonderland" feel.

I have another "shoot" Friday, so, hopefully she will give me permission to post her on here. Also, I have a few from my travels to post, but that will have to wait until wireless is set up in my house!
Also, there will be an update about my lesson coming soon. I just have to read over it and make sure that it is good.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Creation and Art

Y'all, we finally finished the Creation yesterday! And yes, I have pictures of the final product of my (our) Sunday school room!!!
You have to admit, Adam and Eve look stellar. A special thanks to a lovely young lady from the Youth Group.

This is our "Tree of Life," and our pond. Notice the pretty little flowers and butterflies that flood the walls.

This is the wall with our "Prayer Cloud." Yes, it reads Psalm 19:14, which happens to be my college benediction, I think it's a good little prayer to end with each Sunday.

This is our Sunshine corner. Notice the "special" birds flying around. They are described as, and I quote, "torpedoes flying at each other," thanks class.
Now, this was a blast to do, but, I am very thankful that it is over. Now, it's back to business. Next week, we are starting a lesson on worship, and ways to worship. I am going to try and teach them that they don't have to be embarrassed to raise their hands and so on.
I plan on this becoming a more discussion based lesson. We are even going to start a short worship session in class.
Updates on how the lesson is coming along sometime this week!

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Worship, really?"

This Sunday, we are finishing the Creation and our decorating.

I wanted to write about my next lesson that I believe is going to be a toughy.

Not only will it be tough to teach, it is a very serious subject matter in many ways.

Worship. Many of you are probably thinking, "Worship, really?" For adults, worship is something that we undertand and comprehend as something that we as faithful Christians should do. However, seeing that I do not teach adults, but a "Tweens" class, it is going to be very difficult for them to pay attention and grasp what I am going to tell them.

All I can do is ask God to give me the words to speak to my kids.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blue Plastic Wrap and Misshaped Birds

Okay, I know that I promised pictures of the kids working on their project (of the Creation), but the thing is, trying to maintain a calm environment and keep paint off the floor is a rather daunting task. We only made it through one section of our project, and that was the stained glass part, so I am very glad that the messiest part is over. PTL!

While the kids painted, my assistant, Amber, and I worked on making birds. I will definitely post a picture of our special little creations when this whole thing is finished. We also made a tree. I can openly admit that I am not the most artistically inclined individual, and I am also allowed to say that my bird was a "hot mess."

I think that the painting was a success, but next week they will be saddened to know that all they get to do is make flowers. and little animals.

Listen to this idea of awesome-ness! So, we were trying to figure out what to do about water, since, you know, God did create it and all, and included it in the story, we just didn't know what to do.

I thought it out and my mom gave me the idea to use blue plastic wrap... Now, I know they make it, I just wasn't sure where to find it. So, Sunday, I arrived to class, went to grab some of the plastic stuff to cover the table and floor, and lo and behold, there was some blue plastic stuff!!! Needless to say, I cut me some of that stuff, and tomorrow, I will be putting it on the wall!! It will make a darling pond!!!

I will have pictures to post when it is finished and the room is cleaned!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Paint and New Carpet

I promised pictures of the supplies I planned (and did) purchase
for our big project in Sunday School, a.k.a. Creation Decoration.
Now, above is the only one I could get to load, so I will explain the products you see.
First, two HUGE packs of construction paper for making flowers and animals.
Next, two sets of stained glass sets, one being zoo animals and the other butterflies and flowers,
which after they are dry, will be hung from the ceiling, awesome, I know.
Two things that are covered are poster puddy and dry erase markers (and eraser) for our white
board. Now, I have to explain why we decided to purchase Silly Bandz. As you know,
getting a child to actually memorize anything and have them report it back to you
is insanely difficult. So, Amber and I thought that giving one Silly Band to each person
that said the Memory Verse would create class-wide participation,
because who doesn't want to win yet another Silly Band to add to their HUGE collection?
Brilliant, I know. I owe my mom a thank you for that one.
As soon as we are finished decorating, I will attempt to post a picture of my BEAUTIFUL

I will move on to tell you that my sister is also a SS teacher at my church, only she is more brave and teaches the young ages of 2 to 5 years old. This Saturday is a church-wide cleaning day, instead, I will be helping her paint her classroom white, because she too is taking on a big decorating project. She will be letting her kids put their handprints on the wall, which should be fun to clean up when all of them have decorated the wall with their paint covered hands.
I am so excited to be starting this project finally, as is my class. Let's just hope that no paint is dropped on our wonderful new carpet.

Monday, September 6, 2010

No Gum Allowed, Especially in Egypt

I promised an update, and let's just say that it is a very good one.

As you know, last Sunday, I had behavior problems out of my SS kids. This week however, they turned their behavior around and behaved like angels, surprisingly.

Well, aside from one kid, but everyone would call it ADD, I call it unwilling to pay attention to the teacher. I stood on one leg through most of the lesson holding his chair down with the other one.

You know that I taught on the Plagues of Egypt and my assistant drew them. However, what you don't know is that after we finished the lesson, the kids each were able to tell me at least one of the plagues, if not more, without looking at anything. I was a proud teacher at that very moment in time.

Now, my assistant and I have decided that there will be a "NO GUM ALLOWED" rule enforced starting this Sunday, and continuing on for forever. Here is the back story: One of the kids, we will call him Tom, had like FIVE pieces of gum in his mouth when he came in. Not only was it in his mouth, but he had been playing with it in his hands, which equals for a very sticky mess. So, after the kids left for Children's Church, I decided to clean the table because of his sticky little hand prints. HAHA!! While I was cleaning, I realized that his chair was completely covered in more sticky little hand prints. So, I then proceeded to clean the chair, luckily it was just one of those metal fold out chairs. Hence, the NO GUM ALLOWED rule. Ever. We haven't decided on what to do if the kids give us attitude about it. I guess that I will personally escort them to their parents, and let them know the situation.

We had a good time, and next week's update will be even better, and it may include a few photos.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Plagues and Unleavened Bread

Okay, so, I did slack on getting the lesson finished this week. I finished only a few short hours ago, and yet, I feel like it is lacking in some area. I suppose we will find out tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the kid's big "test" to see if they are going to act like humans instead of last week's example of wild banshees. I'm sure the threat of having to sit through their parent's class helped clear up their insolent behavior, but we shall see.

My lesson is on the ten plagues and passover. However, I did a summary of the plaques because it is such a long story. I'm sure I would lose their attention in, oh, say 0.02 seconds, if I even tried to read the full story from the Bible.

I asked my lovely assistant Amber to draw out the plagues on our marker board as we go... She said that she would try and I told her the point was for it to look crazy. Maybe it will keep their attention a little bit focused and less on each other.

As for keeping them out of trouble, I will be placing a chair in between each person to better enforce the "Keep your hands to yourself" rule. Hopefully this will work, seeing as my classroom is rather small. Which reminds me, I need to post a picture of my room!!! It is so adorable. I think I shall wait until we get finished with the Creation story because by then it will be completely decorated.

Now, I must get some sleep so I will be fully alert and ready to conquer any problem that we will have!

I will give an update on Monday. Let's pray for good news!

Friday, September 3, 2010


It's Friday and I have yet to write that Sunday School lesson...

Does this make me a bad teacher? I sure hope not.

Today is one of my really good friend's birthday.

I spent the entire day cleaning my house and still did not get finished, which, in turn, means that I have to get up with the chickens to finish because we are having friends over tomorrow.

Good thing the only thing left to do is vacuum and mop.

Tonight, my high school plays our biggest rival in football and I can't be there because of the splendid birthday party going on at the same time. It's okay though, I will be there in spirit. GO BEARS!

I should quit stalling now and go get ready...

Monday, August 30, 2010

I May Need a Therapist After This

For the record, yesterday was one big test on my patience as a new Sunday school teacher.

First thing, my class got in trouble for not quieting down and listening to the great story/lesson I was about to begin. Also, how to you keep kids from giggling during prayer time? Really kids, prayer is important, I promise!

Second, one of the girls fell out of her chair, not once but twice. This one is going to be trouble. I would compare her to a hurricane because no matter where she goes, there is some destruction. Also, falling out of a chair in a dress that isn't long is very unlady-like, especially when there are boys in the room.

Third, I did get them to participate, but I couldn't keep them quiet, so we disturbed the teen class in the other room. I felt bad, I have no idea what was wrong with these children.

I ended up telling them that if they came in that way next week, I would cancel Sunday school and they would have to go sit with their parents in the adult SS classes. That maybe a little unfair, but I didn't sign up to teach wild banchees about Jesus and God's love.

Next, my assistant and I did Children's Church during the service. Let me say this, I am taking my name off the rotation list.

First of all, Children's church is for children, not 11 and 12 year old tweens. This caused a big distraction and one of the girls (the same one who fell out of her chair twice) got in trouble for giving me attitude, like a bad one.

Second, the kids under the age of like eight were the best behaved, which you wouldn't expect. This could be a problem.

I then told me assistant that I was taking my name off the list.

As we played with Play-Doh, I helped the babies make creations of "ginger mans" and the letter "Z."

Snack time rolled around and we passed out Cheez-its and nasty fruit punch stuff...

I turned my back for 0.5 seconds, and the youngest girl had a red trail all the way down the front of her shirt, and into the floor. This wasn't a huge problem because of the advent of Shout (it out!!). So, she and I went to the bathroom to get as much out as possible, all the while, learning the words "purple" and "rug."

Then, story time. But, in between all the fruit punch mess, all the older kids finished and began wrecking havoc on the teen room and each other. (This is beginning to be an EPIC FAIL)

After we got everyone settled, we read them three stories that all went together, then we played music and stuff.

All the while, I kept repeating to myself, "I'm taking my name off the list."

Finally, it was over. Fin. Finito. DONE! FINISHED!!!

I felt like I should go home and find some kind of nerve pill, but instead I cooked a feast for seven and laid on my bed with my youngest niece.

Needless to say, I will not be doing Children's church again, and my SS class WILL obey classroom rules.

That is all folks. Maybe next week it will be a happier post!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

On Bullying

After a few days of utter discouragement, I am now happy to say that I have efficiently written a powerful lesson on David and Goliath for my beautiful kids in my Sunday School class.

Although it took me longer than I wanted, it came out nicely, and this week, more dialogue will be taking place in my little corner of the church.

With this lesson being about David and Goliath, I thought I could talk about how we all have Goliaths' in our daily lives. Bullies are a big thing now, and what better way to talk about them than to tie it in to a lesson about David and Goliath, who was a big bully to not only David, but to all the Israelites.

Now, we know how the story ended, David killed Goliath with just a sling shot and one stone, but we cannot tell the children to go out and stone their bullies, that my friends is murder in the first.

The way I explain it is, if a bully is tormenting them, they should stand up and inform an adult. Bullying is terrifying, and I can speak from experience. The child being bullied is always afraid to say anything for the fear of being beaten or swirlied even worse. In the long run, telling an adult, whether it be a teacher, a parent, or an office official, it could save the child's life. The child has the power from God to be brave and conquer his or her fears.

Goliath was nothing but a big punk, and without the power of God, he had nothing on the Israelites. He went at the Israelites with a spear and a javelin, but what he didn't know was that David packed a secret weapon. His name is God. God supplied David with the power, bravery and skill to bring down that big bully. After Goliath had fallen to the small boy, the Philistines were now and eternally the Israelites subjects (servants).

I really hope that my Sunday school kids understand the importance of having God on their side because he will bring them through so many uncomfortable storms in their lives to come.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Love Never Fails Us

You will be very happy to know that my lesson in my NEW Sunday school class was a hit!! I believe that deep down, the kids enjoyed learning about love. Even though we had a few who couldn't seem to sit still for more than a few seconds. This, I am okay with because at least they were in church.

I explained to them that loving is very important, even if it is someone that they truly dislike, or if it is a kid in their class at school that smells and looks like they hadn't bathed in a while.

I passionately believe that we should love on "the least of these." They are most important in my eyes, and if I can convince my kids of this, then I will consider my life a success.

Love is everywhere, we just have to learn to bring it out in every situation. Love never fails us, therefore, we should never fail it.

I am very adamant that children learn to love each other and the world. I would call it my mission to love on people. Young people, older people, poor people, or rich people. They are all beautiful in God's eyes and deserve our love. ("our" being Christians)

Please, if you do nothing else, teach your kids to love. You can learn to love too.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Love and Brownies

Tomorrow, I begin teaching Sunday School at my church for a class cutely named "Kingdom's Kids."

First, let me say that I love love LOVE the age groupd, and the kids, that I will be teaching!!! I teach ages 9-11, they will 'graduate' to the teen class at 12! Last week was a trial run, with me not knowing that the class would become mine, so I feel that I did my best, considering I wasn't prepared at all!

However, tomorrow, I am going to rock this teaching gig as well as I can! I wrote a beautiful lesson on Love. I think that one thing the kids will pull away from this lesson is that love is indeed needed immensely in this world, and that it is a Christian's job to show it to everyone on the planet.

I am going to make my lovely children brownies and let them write letters to people they love.

As all of this is going on, amazing worship music will be playing in the background, giving everyone a sense of God's Holy presence.

Ya'll I am so very excited for this journey to begin!

As I proceed, I will write stories about my beautiful class, and I may even post a picture of their beautiful faces!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fairytale Charmer

Personal claims on things
that aren't real.
Things that only you can imagine.
A feud between friends,
both claiming a fairytale charmer.
Claiming that he is theirs.
Dreaming, letting your
brain wander off to
a place only you can imagine.
This is something I found in an old, small notebook from my junior year of high school. I could probably go to far in depth about who this small story is about, but for reasons that only I can understand, I shall keep that to myself.
This "fairytale charmer" just happend to break my fragile heart, not just once, but twice, without ever realizing that he did it. I was ignorant and remained friends with him long enough for it to happen twice.
I assume that I wrote this at a time when God was not the most important person in my life and I let "life" get to me. I also assume that the two girls feuding over "fairytale charmer" were dumb enough to even believe that he would ever give either of them a chance, which later, he ended up giving one of them a very undeserved chance. I was not that girl, which only made me try harder.
Luckily, I am not that high school junior anymore. Now, I could care less if a guy gives me any attention at all. I mean, yes it is nice, but I do not crave it as I did then.
It's funny how we can change over just a few short years. That was only five years ago, and here I sit, graduated from University, 22 years old, and clinging to God even tighter than I ever thought I would. He keeps me sane.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Untimely Accidents and Summer Heat

July 31, 2010: Lee University Commencement began at 10:3 A.M. with me being in line to receive my degree.
Now, it is August 12, 2010, 100 degrees outside and where am I at? Home. Not at the job of my dreams or in my own little humble abode; home.
I didn't expect to snag a job as soon as my feet came off the stage, but you would think that with a Bachelor's in Health Science, there would be employers waiting to hire willing hearts, such as mine. I have searched high and low, but every place wants you to be a nurse, a doctor, or have a Master's or to be certified in something I know that I am capable of doing.
In high school, they imbed it into your brain that college is the way to go... they don't tell you that it will take you eight years of higher education just to get a job.

Okay, I really hope that you have stuck with me here. I promise that I am off my soap box.
Now, on to this rediculous summer heat.
It is sweltering in my little corner of the southeast. I just took my dog out to, well, you know, and I'm pretty sure I melted a little. At 11:30 in the morning, it is already in the high 80s low 90s, and a heat advisory is in effect between the hours of 2 P.M. and 8 P.M.
With that in mind, let me tell you about my little adventure yesterday. I leave home to go hand in a resume and an application at a local business. I still had a little money left over from graduation, so I decided to go buy myself a pair of black Tevas (the most comfortable pair of sandals ever) at the mall. I'm in dress clothes and all that jazz too. I get in my car to leave, and I begin driving down the highway to go to my house. I hear this very loud POP sound. I thought that a rock had flew up and hit the bottom of my car... until my car started shaking and wobbling. I pulled over on the side of the road, got out, went around to the back end, and my rear passenger tire had exploded!!
Now, mind you, I am a 22 year old single female out alone of course, and this happens. I sorta knew what to do: CALL DADDY!! I knew that I didn't have a jack, so I couldn't get the process started, so I waited. At first, I had my car running with the A/C, but it started to smell weird, so I shut it off. Let me tell you, sitting in a car and it being 100+ outside, on the hot pavement, had to be the hottest I had ever been. Except for the time I camped in the jungle in Honduras.
Needless to say, Daddy came to the rescue, and even brought a co-worker to help him get it done quicker. Now, I am out a car with nothing to do, which is why I am now sitting here, writing to you, as if you are actually sitting here with me, in the home office/guest bedroom.
Next week, all of my friends that have yet to graduate will begin the school year, and frankly, I am sad that I will not be returning!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Burgers and Onion Rings: What can I say?

As you know, I have recently returned from Rio Viejo, Honduras, and little village in the jungles of that beautiful country.

When I got back, I had more trouble getting used to the A/C and being able to flush paper in the toilet and drink the water, than I did last time.

In the three weeks I have been home, I have done nothing but sleep and read, which both happen to be my two favorite things.

Most people want good ol' American food upon re-entry, but me, I could care less. I just wanted my pillow and my bed.

As of late, I have found myself craving a hugantic burger with a side of huge onion rings and a coke. Now, I'm not much of a beef person, so this craving strikes me as odd. I normally would never ever crave aburger the sixe of my face, but for some reason, it is all I can think about!!!

I do not know whether I should give into the urge inside, or try to suppress it and not think about it!! I mean, I am trying to lose a few more, well, quite a few more inches in order to look good in my maid of honor dress. I want to look hot in my friend's wedding, is that so bad.

This gives me all the more reason to continue on in suppressing this uncontrollable urge to eat that juicy fat burger and onion rings. I mean, where would doing that get me? Absolutely nowhere.

Just the other day I went to the movies and saw Eclipse with a couple of friends, but before then, we went to eat. We arrived at Texas Roadhouse and all I could tink about was that stupid burger, and I decided to go with chicken, afraid that the overwhelming burger would cause my stomach to begin an uproar against my body and revolt against the burger. My decision to go with the chicken was fair, and I am glad that I did it.

Eclipse was by far the best and most accurate of all three Twilight Saga movies thusfar. I thoroughly enjoyed it, expecially Jasper's southern accent, mainly because I am from the South.
Gotta love a Southern Gentleman :)

If I give into the craving, I will be the first to let you know.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Summer Session 1: Fin

Mango Lime-Aid. Three words you would think would not go together.

However, I LOVE it. It is absolutely fantastic. Yes, it makes me speak/write in short sporadic sentences. YESA!!!

In three weeks, I will be on a plane headed for SPS, Honduras, which I am so anxious to get there.

At this moment, I am currently stuck to a chair because I am wearing shorts on this hot summer day.

I haven't made a list in a while, so i think I will give it a shot:

Things I love:
  1. Jesus
  2. The sun, because it makes my skin golden tan
  3. Chicken wings
  4. Mexican food
  5. Honduras
  6. My church
  7. Random sayings that pop into my head, that no one understands except for me
  8. my dog
  9. RAIN
  10. Musicals

Today is Memorial Day, so here is a LOUD shout out to all the amazing military personnel keeping our country safe!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010


First, I would like to thank the person who designed the Alice in Wonderland Pandora station creator. It is fantastic... Now I have film scores on my Pandora, and it makes me happy!!

Anyhow, I have roughly nine days of sumer classes left, and then I will be finished with my undergrad career... Which is slightly on the scary side of things.

One of my friends is starting a Bible study tonight, and I am ever so excited.

You will have to forgive me, my writing juices are not flowing at the moment, so it is hard for me to concentrate.

I can say that I am ready for June 1, and June 17. Alice in Wonderland comes out the first, and the seventeenth, I will be heading back to Honduras.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My name.
From the picture above:
A gift given to me by a person I hold near and dear to my heart. She gave all her graduates a bag with their name embroidered on the front.
We are all mentored in some way by her. She calls her "college girls."
Three of them graduated this past weekend, becoming adults released into the "real world"
as they call it.
She invited us over for dinner, made especially for us.
She gave us the bag, in hope that it will be useful to carry a lunch to work, considering that
eating out will not be an option, at least not everyday.

I love this bag.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Important Things Have Yet to Come

Sometimes I wonder why I go through, or deal with, some of the things that happen to me.

Then , I recall that God pulls us through trials and hard times to make us stronger, better Christians.

Right now, I am on the verge of graduating college, and have yet to secure a job; I haven't completely decided on grad school; and, I am beginning to feel the transition of being young, to becoming an adult, in the real world.

I didn't think that I would feel so uncertain about life as an adult.

God uses things to teach us. He is preparing me for something, I'm just not sure for what yet.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shut Your Eyes

I'm prety sure that at this moment, there are about 4,000 college students still asleep, as today is what my school calls reading day: A.K.A., NO CLASS!!

Earlier this week, a decision was made for my sister and nieces to come live at my house for a little while. So, naturally, the youngest of the two very precious girls, slept in bed with me. Normally, I do fine, but last night, I just could not seem to get the sleep/wake cycle in control. Obviously, my body thought it was cool to be awake a one o'clock in the morning, with me knowing that I had to get up in just a mere four hours to drive the kids to school.

I now sit here, in the library of the school I attend, staring blankly at the hammock in front of me, thinking, "Should I go nap. Wait, what kind of sick people have laid in that thing. Does it really matter? I'm about to fall over... No, I will study, as originally intended." All this going on in my head, seeing that I'm the only student in the entire building, I'm sure.

I'm not sure how far the studying will get me, because I'm so exhausted, but at least I can give it a run.

For now, I will continue to stare at the hammock. Who knows, maybe I will get over the germaphobia and take a little napsy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Opportunity Arises

As of late, I have studying day in and day out. Now that I have a break, I can finally sit down and write.

An early summer has arrived here in good ol' Tennessee, and I must say that I am ever so excited. In two months, I will be landing in Honduras for another mission trip with my school. I am so glad that God has given me the opportunity to go again. This time, we will be there for around three weeks. Which means we can cover more ground and help more people with their medical problems. In case you have forgotten, here is the beautiful place I am returning too, and hope to continue to do so:

I am so excited to return. It is my dream to one day live there and teach.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beautiful God

Spring has sprung here in beautiful Tennessee, and things couldn't be more lovely. As I look to my left, I see the beautiful sun, shining on the beautiful campus of the college I attend, and students hanging out, most likely deterring from homework and the like.

Lately, God has been showing me how beautiful He is. Not that I didn't already know, it is just becoming more real to me. Now, when I look out at nature, I don't just see trees, grass, and animals. I see God. He is in everything. He made it beautiful.

Easter is right around the corner, and I am so excited.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Uneasy Feeling

I often times wonder: "Where in the world is God leading me?"

Somedays, I wish that things in my future were clearer, instead of the fuzz that I see right now.

Then I think, "God's got this, so why am I fretting?" No clue, but I do, on a daily basis.

I'm not feeling positive right now, especially because I have yet to know what I will be doing after graduation in July. It's hard because my dad is one of those types that is all the time saying, "You have to have a job right then," or, "I'm afraid you won't get one." All I ever say back to him is, "I got this, do not worry about me. I know for sure that I will not get a job right off the bat."

I hate this uneasy, unsure feeling. Why won't it go away?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break

This has been one of the dullest spring breaks of my LIFE!! And that's a long time, because, so far, I have been in school my ENTIRE life, since the age of five. I have done homework just about every single day.

However, today, it is a bright 72 degrees outside, which is absolutely lovely.

This morning, I shaved my dog. Not a very fun task

This, my friends is PeeWee, my baby. His hair is shorter now, but I had to show him to you, isn't he precious!!!

He really did not like being shaved. Ha, who does?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Summer Divine

My Road by Nina Bankston

Sweet summer!! I am so ready for summer to be here! Normally I love cold weather, but this year, I am ready for sticky, hot summer days where just by stepping outside, you sweat. Call me crazy if you like, but I will not care.

Riding with the windows, wind in my hair, blasting my music is the only way it should be, forever!

So, SUMMER, I am begging you, Please, please, please hurry!

Monday, March 15, 2010


As you know, I spent my weekend with the youth group at my church at Winterfest.
The line-up was simply amazing:
Friday night: Leeland for worship and Jentzen Franklin speaking; Ricardo Sanchez closing worship
Saturday night: CHRIS TOMLIN for worship and Reinhart Bunkey speaking
Sunday morning: Reggie Dabbs speaking and Israel and New Breed leading worship.

God was all in that arena, that is for sure!! So many lives were touched, people were saved or rededicated to the Lord. It was an awesome experience.

I am moving Forward with my life, which seemed to be the general theme this weekend.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jumping Jelly Beans

I am so incredibly excited right now!!! Next week is Spring Break, but not only that, I get to start it off by going to WinterFest 2010 this weekend, with the youth group at my church!!

All day I have felt like jumping up and down!! I am so excited because one of my favorite artists is going to be ther, a.k.a. Chris Tomlin!! Oh I love his music!! My favorite speaker will also be there, a.k.a. Jentzen Franklin.

This will be my oldest niece, Sade, first time getting to go to WinterFest, and I'm not sure she knows what is in store for her! I know for a fact that God is going to be all over that stadium. We have been praying about this weekend for months, and I know God has something special in store for ever single one of us going.

Fact: tomorrow, I am going to Farm House, a local country restaurant where I live. It is the hot spot for an after chapel meal, mainly because college students get a free sweet tea, which is a big thing, especially if youare from the South, like myself.

I will update you on how WinterFest went as soon as I get back!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sunshine, That Is Not In a Bag...

Finally winter weather has let up on the Tn valley for a little bit. it snowed on Tuesday, for like the fifth or sixth time!!! As we know, I dislike the snow. Right now, I would rather it be a smoldering 95 degrees outside.

Today though, I am happy and content with the sunny 46 degrees, even though it feels warmer outside. Put it this way, I'm not wearing a jacket,and that is okay with me!!!

This mornign we had Travis Cottrell as our worship leader. It was so fantastic!

I think it is safe to say that this weekend is going to be pretty much fantastic. Alice in Wonderland comes out tomorrow night, and I am going to see it in 3D with my sister and her family. I am so completely stoked!!!! Number one, Johnny Depp is in it, he is fantastice, and number two, it is going to be so creepy!!! I love creepy movies!! They are the best.

Friday, February 26, 2010


My friends, it is Friday!! Let us praise the Maker for it!

1. The sun is shining
2. It is freezing, and I do't like it
3. In just a few short hours I will be making a short drive to Georgia to pick up my youngest niece when she gets out of school

It has undoubtedly been the longest week of my entire life!! I am currently in the process of lining up a job for when I have graduated. Let me just say that it is definitely a stressful process. Everytime I turn around, I have missed a deadline for something or, because I have not yet graduated, I do not have official transcripts, so I cannot apply or send a resume. BOO!!

That's really all I have right now. If something else comes up, I will definitely holla back!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend Wipe-Out

This weekend was absolutely fantastic!!

Friday night, I went to the movies to see Shutter Island, which was not all it wass copped up to be...

Saturday, my step-dad left and returned home with a truck -load of dirt. DIRT!!! 1200 pounds of it!! Every country girl's dream!!!! I had a blast shoveling the dirt to the ground! It was the best thing ever!! No lie!! After about and hour and a half of shovel, we finally emptied the truck! That afternoon I met up with some great friends to lay in the sun in the park, seeing that the weather was absolutely fantastic and all! We laid there talking and giggling and we might have even did a little interpretive dancing...::chuckles::

Sunday, I woke up realizing that shoveling that much dirt is a full body work-out, no joke! I was, and still am, very very sore!!

I spent the afternoon with my lovely sister and then came home from church to study for a test that occurred at 8:00 this morning... I believe I did fine, hopefully. I must now go begin studying for a medical terminology test that will happen next week!! Toodles!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Scared to Bits

Tonight, my friends, a few people and myself will be taking an adventure to the local theatre to watch a new thriller: Shutter Island.

Now, as for myself, I LOVE movies that are likely to make me scream, but as for on of the people going with me, Annar, well, she's not one for the scariness...

Lemme just say that I am so incredibly EXCITED!! I mean look at all of the usage of 'all caps' lettering... It sends the message, yeah?

Friday, February 12, 2010


hey y'all!!

Well, it snowed again today. :( I was so disappointed when that stupid stuff started falling from the sky...

Tonight, I went to a Chinese New Year party thing at my school...I met Annar's sister, who's name I cannot remember right now(sorry), and hung out with some great people.

When I got home, I thought I would take some snow pictures, even though I protested the other day, and I already have a million. So, as I am standing on the front porch of my lovely country abode, I hear what I think is coyotes yelling. I completely wigged out and made my presh little puppy come in, because who wants their favorite little doggy to be eaten by ravage coyotes.

Now, I am not sure if the "s" should be on the end of the word coyote, but because of where I am from, that's how we say it.

Anyhow, so I came in, to an empty house, because my mom and step-dad are out of town for the weekend. I immediately decided that it is movie time...But I don't know what to watch... I think I will grab a Krispy Creme doughnut, or two :), and go watch some movies...Because, what 21 year old goes to bed at 9:00 P.M. on a Friday night?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

River the Making

I forgot to add yesterday that in my Human Geography class, I have learned that the world is doomed and we will all die of famine and old age...

There is no way to fix this, at least not as of yet. So prepare yourselves and stock up on water and food. That way when things really do run out, you will have what you need, at least for a while. ;)

Also, it is snowing again, and in Tennessee, better yet, Cleveland, that is a big deal!! Not that it is sticking on the ground or anything, just falling. I usually love snow and cold weather, but this winter has been way too harsh here in the Valley I call home. I am definitely ready for "...Sunny with a high of 75..." as the lovely Relient K song states. But, no warmer than that. 75 is perfect.

This picture above is what my road looked like the first time it snowed,and I was actually happy about it. The second and third time, I chose to take no photos. Why, you may ask? Well, because it jsut gets old. Once you have snow pictures, you have them, the rest will just look teh same, unless you go to a different location. And who does that when there is an inch of ice on the road? Not I.

I enjoy things more along the lines of the river, as seen here:

I would pretty much live here if I could. I mean, I do, it's just down the road from my house, but I mean, permanently.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Here I am, Take Me

It has been a great few weeks of school! I just had my first exam on Monday, and let me tell you! I studied oh so hard for that bad boy and I feel like I defeated it! Oh, yes it was difficult, but studying definitely paid off!!!


Last week, here at Lee, we had a four night revival type thing that turned out awesome. I pretty sure some lives were touched and people were changed. This coming Saturday is a 12 hour praise, worship and prayer service that I have been looking forward to!! I am so excited for it!!


As for a social life, I don't really have one. I spend most of my time studying or watching my favorite shows (Bones, House, Criminal Minds and NCIS).


Most of you know that this coming Sunday is Valentine's Day aka, Single's Awareness Day, or S.A.D. I am not a big fan of S.A.D. I would prefer for it to just go away. Maybe it's because I fall in the category, "Ain't Got Nobody, so I'm gonna Hate on V-day." And that is precisely how I feel.


I look at this time in my life as a season where I am to just grow in God and listen only to Him and love only Him. He knows me best, so it is only fair for me to let Him do what is best for me.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Early Mondays!!!!!

Classes got off to a FANTASTICAL start!! I didn't think I would like having an 8 A.M. human geography class, but HOLY COW!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! I have it with one of my greatest friends, Annar, who's name was sorta changed for this blog!

Anyhow, she doesn't really like getting up that early, but hey who does, well, except for me!! I am definitely a morning person, even if I didn't get that much sleep. Coffee helps me to wake up, but I don't have to have it. It's not a necessity, but it tastes good.

This weekend was pretty much awesome, well for me. Friday night, Annar and I went to a coffee shop adn sat there for like two hours just talking, and yes, there was no moments of silence. Of course not. When you put two girls together, it's like automatic talk-fest.

Saturday, I accomplished homework and grocery shopping with my mom. Then I took the rest of the day off. Sunday, I did nothing, well except finish some last minute reading.

Today I plan on taking a nap because I feel sleepy. Maybe I won't. I dunno. I should read some for Medical terminology, a class I have, but we'll see!

Tonight is LG with some of my favorite people! I cannot wait! It is going to be a blast!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


As I sat thinking yesterday, a thought crossed my mind, more like a memory. I was sitting on a stone bench outside of our second or third clinic in Honduras, playing with a young child, who was sitting on my knee. She looke up with beautiful eyes and said, "Me gusta sus ojos." Which in English means, I like your eyes.

Sitting there yesterday, I pondered why the girl may have said it, then remembered, most people in her village had dark eyes, it was rare to have light eyes. I have bright green eyes, so it was different for her to see my color of eyes.

Often times, I think, "Man, I wish my eyes were a brighter green." That memory yesterday helped me to remember that God gave me these eyes, and they are perfect just as they are. I do not need to change them. that little girl was sent to tell me that through her very own way.