Monday, September 6, 2010

No Gum Allowed, Especially in Egypt

I promised an update, and let's just say that it is a very good one.

As you know, last Sunday, I had behavior problems out of my SS kids. This week however, they turned their behavior around and behaved like angels, surprisingly.

Well, aside from one kid, but everyone would call it ADD, I call it unwilling to pay attention to the teacher. I stood on one leg through most of the lesson holding his chair down with the other one.

You know that I taught on the Plagues of Egypt and my assistant drew them. However, what you don't know is that after we finished the lesson, the kids each were able to tell me at least one of the plagues, if not more, without looking at anything. I was a proud teacher at that very moment in time.

Now, my assistant and I have decided that there will be a "NO GUM ALLOWED" rule enforced starting this Sunday, and continuing on for forever. Here is the back story: One of the kids, we will call him Tom, had like FIVE pieces of gum in his mouth when he came in. Not only was it in his mouth, but he had been playing with it in his hands, which equals for a very sticky mess. So, after the kids left for Children's Church, I decided to clean the table because of his sticky little hand prints. HAHA!! While I was cleaning, I realized that his chair was completely covered in more sticky little hand prints. So, I then proceeded to clean the chair, luckily it was just one of those metal fold out chairs. Hence, the NO GUM ALLOWED rule. Ever. We haven't decided on what to do if the kids give us attitude about it. I guess that I will personally escort them to their parents, and let them know the situation.

We had a good time, and next week's update will be even better, and it may include a few photos.

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