Monday, August 23, 2010

Love Never Fails Us

You will be very happy to know that my lesson in my NEW Sunday school class was a hit!! I believe that deep down, the kids enjoyed learning about love. Even though we had a few who couldn't seem to sit still for more than a few seconds. This, I am okay with because at least they were in church.

I explained to them that loving is very important, even if it is someone that they truly dislike, or if it is a kid in their class at school that smells and looks like they hadn't bathed in a while.

I passionately believe that we should love on "the least of these." They are most important in my eyes, and if I can convince my kids of this, then I will consider my life a success.

Love is everywhere, we just have to learn to bring it out in every situation. Love never fails us, therefore, we should never fail it.

I am very adamant that children learn to love each other and the world. I would call it my mission to love on people. Young people, older people, poor people, or rich people. They are all beautiful in God's eyes and deserve our love. ("our" being Christians)

Please, if you do nothing else, teach your kids to love. You can learn to love too.

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