Friday, February 27, 2009

Chocolate Monkeys, and Dancing Kangaroos

1. Neon green flip flops are the bomb diggity...yes, diggity IS a word
2. Bunny ears are fun to stare at when the flop
3. I honestly do wish that spring break was here...RIGHT NOW
4. I saw two guys at Wal*Mart that could and would have fit in with the Cullens...NO joke...
5. I love taking pictures...
6. Talking makes me happy...
7. Helping my friends through crises is my forte...
8. Sometimes I secretly think that boys are stupid and are just a disguise that aliens put on...
9. "Dick Cheney is not human. He is a robot and has a port-acath in his chest where he stuffs fetuses to survive..."Jason Wolfe
10. I am hoping to watch the Univited tonight...YAY!!!!!!!

Much love and Candy canes...

Sunday, February 8, 2009


So, earlier this evening, my friend and I, we'll call her Kool-aid, went to get 15 two-liters from the local Walgreens for the ministry we volunteer with.

So, we forgot the card and we had to drive back down the road to get it. She missed the driveway. we pulled into another driveway, and I spotted this cat. This cat was HUGE!! As it started to walk away, I noticed that it was limping. I was like AWWWW poor kitty...

She said:
"It looks like it only has three legs?!?!?!"

So I said"
"Would like me to get out and look?"

She Said:

I get out of the car, and pet the kitty, and lo and behold, the cat only had three legs!!!!

I said to her:
"It does only have three legs...!!!"


I thought that thos story was funny, so I had to share it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

All I Know

So, in exactly one week, it will be Valentine's day. My least favorite holiday of the year. As have gotten older, it has been harder for me to be alone on this day of so called love. In all actuality, St. Valentine's Day is the day when a massacre took place, and many lives were lost.

To me, this doesn't scream love. But hey, however the market can make money, right?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining because I'll be alone on that day. I know that somewhere out there, God has placed a man for me, we just haven't found each other yet.

You may think I'm crazy for having such an opinion, but hey, it's a free country, am I not entitled?

Anyhow, enjoy this day if you have someone. Love them truly

Friday, February 6, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing...

Last weekend, I packed up my bags and went with fifteen other ladies. We headed north, to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee to a hotel Wilderness at the Smokies Hotel. It has an indoor water park. OMG!!! The giant toilet water slide, let me tell you, was THE MOST TERRIFYING THING EVER!!!!! However, I had fun, actually a BLAST...God showed me many things over the weekend, how, I am actually loved. I can trust people and I love hanging with the girls.

Now, Recently, Lea, my niece, shared with me this CRAZY dream she had. Skipping to the specifics, at the end, she was end the bathroom, yes on the toilet, and some ghosties were bringing her sweet stuffs and the like.

Now, I don't know about you, but the fact that ghosties were bringing her sweet stuffs, but that's just plain wierd. HA.

Yep, well, I'm to ya later!