Friday, February 12, 2010


hey y'all!!

Well, it snowed again today. :( I was so disappointed when that stupid stuff started falling from the sky...

Tonight, I went to a Chinese New Year party thing at my school...I met Annar's sister, who's name I cannot remember right now(sorry), and hung out with some great people.

When I got home, I thought I would take some snow pictures, even though I protested the other day, and I already have a million. So, as I am standing on the front porch of my lovely country abode, I hear what I think is coyotes yelling. I completely wigged out and made my presh little puppy come in, because who wants their favorite little doggy to be eaten by ravage coyotes.

Now, I am not sure if the "s" should be on the end of the word coyote, but because of where I am from, that's how we say it.

Anyhow, so I came in, to an empty house, because my mom and step-dad are out of town for the weekend. I immediately decided that it is movie time...But I don't know what to watch... I think I will grab a Krispy Creme doughnut, or two :), and go watch some movies...Because, what 21 year old goes to bed at 9:00 P.M. on a Friday night?

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