Sunday, October 17, 2010

Promises and the Ark

Again, I am still listening to Christmas music. It doesn't hurt to get in the spirit early.

Yesterday, I wrote about my wonderful Sunday school lesson. Now, I'm going to tell you about it.

I taught on Noah's Ark. I'm sure you think, "Lady, you teach 9-11 year olds, not four year olds." I thought the same thing, at first, until I read the whole lesson.

It was on God's promises, and promises in general.

We all know the story: God tells Noah to build an ark, which made him the laughing stock of the community. The joke was on those people when it rained for forty days and forty nights, and the water stuck around for around five months. The raven Noah sent out, just flew back and forth, the dove he sent out, came back twice and didn't return the third time. God told Noah that he was putting a sign on earth as a covenant. That sign was a rainbow. It was God's promise that he wouldn't send a flood to destroy the whole earth and all of man again.

We then talked about what promises are, and how absolutely no promise should be broken, and how it felt when a friend breaks a promise, especially if it involves a secret.

I don't know about you, but I haven't forgot about God's promises to me. He has given me plenty of rainbows to remind me that he has not forgotten, nor broken his promises.

I'm very thankful that he hasn't forgotten that promise.

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