Monday, October 18, 2010

Discourse Among the Nation

I can honestly say, even though I am only 22 years old, that I am shocked at how much the world (mainly the U.S.) has changed. I remember when I was little, I was made to play outside, at least a little, every single day until it got too cold. Now, kids plop themselves down in front of a screen and play computer games or video games.

I also remember the days when if I tried to wear shorts that were even a little too short, I would be sent back into my room to change into what my mom called "something decent." I cannot believe some of the things parents consider decent these days.

Call me old-fashioned or strange if you like, but I just do not appreciate seeing a boy's behind hanging out of his pants, or seeing a girl whose skirt is so short, you can see everything, if you catch my drift.

Know that in no way am I imparting judgement upon these individuals, but I do believe that it is up to the parent to say the 'n' word, referring to the word NO.

I can honestly say that I have taken my nieces shopping (ages 11 and 13) and they describe the clothes that celebrity designers are putting out there as trashy and unappealing. The fact that their mom (my sister) has instilled into them that wearing a skirt that shows their bottoms, or a shirt so tight and low, they may as well go without one, is not a way that they want to represent themselves. Again, no judgement imparted.

I was thinking about it today, how different things are, and how socially acceptable things are now that wouldn't have flown over so easy just a decade ago. It saddens me to see these things change like this.

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