Monday, November 1, 2010

Serving the Least of These

Lately, God has been dealing with some things in my life, which is why I haven't written in a while.

Music is an important part of my life, I love it. I think of music as a mode of emotional expression and a way to show your passion about something. However, there are certain types of music that I feel I have been challenged to get out of my life. Not that they are evil or anything, just that they keep me from being right-minded, for lack of a better saying. It had caused me to take my focus off of God and my job as a Sunday school teacher, and being a servant of Him.

I have teaching on seeing the face of Jesus in people who may not be the cleanest or the healthiest to my class. I talked to them yesterday about how even if the person stinks and hasn't bathed in a while, they should try their best to serve him or her as Jesus would have. This can be hard to do, I understand, but I also believe that in order for this upcoming generation to understand what serving God is, they need to learn that if they see Jesus in the face of that person, and do a kind act for them, or, help them in anyway, then what they did for them, they did for Jesus.

The song "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath has been on my heart lately. I pray the lyrics at times because I want to see people how God sees them, I want to love people like God loves them. It has become my passion to serve the least of these.

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