Saturday, September 4, 2010

Plagues and Unleavened Bread

Okay, so, I did slack on getting the lesson finished this week. I finished only a few short hours ago, and yet, I feel like it is lacking in some area. I suppose we will find out tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the kid's big "test" to see if they are going to act like humans instead of last week's example of wild banshees. I'm sure the threat of having to sit through their parent's class helped clear up their insolent behavior, but we shall see.

My lesson is on the ten plagues and passover. However, I did a summary of the plaques because it is such a long story. I'm sure I would lose their attention in, oh, say 0.02 seconds, if I even tried to read the full story from the Bible.

I asked my lovely assistant Amber to draw out the plagues on our marker board as we go... She said that she would try and I told her the point was for it to look crazy. Maybe it will keep their attention a little bit focused and less on each other.

As for keeping them out of trouble, I will be placing a chair in between each person to better enforce the "Keep your hands to yourself" rule. Hopefully this will work, seeing as my classroom is rather small. Which reminds me, I need to post a picture of my room!!! It is so adorable. I think I shall wait until we get finished with the Creation story because by then it will be completely decorated.

Now, I must get some sleep so I will be fully alert and ready to conquer any problem that we will have!

I will give an update on Monday. Let's pray for good news!

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