Thursday, September 9, 2010

Paint and New Carpet

I promised pictures of the supplies I planned (and did) purchase
for our big project in Sunday School, a.k.a. Creation Decoration.
Now, above is the only one I could get to load, so I will explain the products you see.
First, two HUGE packs of construction paper for making flowers and animals.
Next, two sets of stained glass sets, one being zoo animals and the other butterflies and flowers,
which after they are dry, will be hung from the ceiling, awesome, I know.
Two things that are covered are poster puddy and dry erase markers (and eraser) for our white
board. Now, I have to explain why we decided to purchase Silly Bandz. As you know,
getting a child to actually memorize anything and have them report it back to you
is insanely difficult. So, Amber and I thought that giving one Silly Band to each person
that said the Memory Verse would create class-wide participation,
because who doesn't want to win yet another Silly Band to add to their HUGE collection?
Brilliant, I know. I owe my mom a thank you for that one.
As soon as we are finished decorating, I will attempt to post a picture of my BEAUTIFUL

I will move on to tell you that my sister is also a SS teacher at my church, only she is more brave and teaches the young ages of 2 to 5 years old. This Saturday is a church-wide cleaning day, instead, I will be helping her paint her classroom white, because she too is taking on a big decorating project. She will be letting her kids put their handprints on the wall, which should be fun to clean up when all of them have decorated the wall with their paint covered hands.
I am so excited to be starting this project finally, as is my class. Let's just hope that no paint is dropped on our wonderful new carpet.

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