Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Said "Thank You" Instead of "Amen"

Here is the scenario: I do my little presentation on a Medical Missions group, and am asked, by my prof to pray for the class...


So I pray my little prayer, trying not to stumble on my words. At the end, I said "Thank you," instead of "Amen."

Horrifying!! Luckily, no one noticed.

I think back now, even though it was only yesterday, at how funny it is, and that praying outloud isn't so bad after all, not that it doesn't still scare the bijeeeezes outta me to do it still, but hey, I'm working on it!!

Today, I took an exam in a class so happily named, "AIDS." For real, I know I missed like four. Hopefully I will still have a good grade!!

Can we talk about the rain!! I love it!! :) yay for rain...

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