Sunday, February 27, 2011


As long as I can remember, I have never doubted that prayer actually works. Until recently, I had never thought about things that have happened because of prayer. To name a few: when I made my first trip to Honduras, it was going to total around $4000 for tuition and trip money, after praying about it, almost my entire bill was paid by an auction and donations from my church; I never thought that I would make it through college, but thank goodness for a praying mama, because goodness knows without her fervent prayers, I probably never would have made it.

Now, this morning, I taught on "Hidden Treasure" in Sunday School. Can you guess what this hidden treasure is? It's powerful, it's awesome, it works... It's PRAYER. Even though the book I am teaching out of is geared toward young people, I have still learned a lot from every chapter so far. First, it amazes me how our BIG God wants to have a daily chat with us about our lives, our everything.

It struck me that the only way that I was going to get out of retail, and begin working a job that dealt within my degree range was prayer. So, the petitioning began. I started by telling my mom, then my favorite group of people at Life Group, then the facebook group I am in called Christian Women (a group solely for women to embark in intercessory prayer for other women in need). Let me tell you. I waited, I applied. I sent out resumes, perfected my resume, sent it out again, and finally, in my fitness class, the trainer mentioned that the business that supports the wellness program was hiring part-time for an office job. I immediately jumped on it, and I went over my resume and my references, perfected my cover letter (for the millionth time) and emailed it to the lady doing the hiring. I got a follow-up email saying to call her for an interview time. So, Friday morning, I called, and by Friday afternoon around 3:45, I was hired.

That, my friends, is how prayer really works. When two or three are gathered in Jesus' name, there He is too. I am so relieved that I can now say that I work at Picture Wellness, and not a department store.


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