Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Look At You in Awe

This is my Winter Wonderland. It has been a while since I have seen this much snow, and I am only 22. I couldn't tell you the last time I remember it snowing twice in one winter, enough to make are town close down for a whole day and then early for the next few says. I mean, it has been bad enough to where I wasn't able to go to work yesterday.

Snow rarely hits the Tennessee Valley hard enough to even last a day, but this winter, for some reason it has snowed and left five or more inches on the ground for days, twice already.

I snapped this picture early this morning, and I thought that it captured part of the essence of God. He is such a master at his work, and it is awe inspiring to look at such a view when you walk out your front door.

It reminds me that God is ever present and never leaves me.

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