This greeted me Thursday morning. It is remarkable the way God uses nature to remind me how faithful, loving and beautiful He truly is.
Sometimes, I forget just how much he does love me with a passionate, burning love. It is probably a little weird to read a statement like that, but it is so true. God's love isn't like the phrase we use to describe how we feel about a song or book, it is a deep, unfailing love. Believe me, it has taken me some time to really realize this. I never thought about how God loves us. I just knew that he did and that I love him. I also never knew why I loved him. I learn everyday, new reasons why I love God. It would probably be a list as long as the world is around.
If you ever get a chance, there is a book called "His Princess Bride: Love Letters from Your Prince," that I think everyone should read. It's by Sheri Rose Shepherd, and it's basically letters of things that Jesus says and promises in the Bible, only put in letter format. Believe me, it will blow your mind to even think about that kind of love. I wish that every person in the world would know the kind of love that God has for us.
This leads me into what I am teaching in Sunday school tomorrow. I am teaching about how God has called us to serve, love, teach, and what ever else the unfortunates of this country and world. I almost think I am going to take my scrapbook from my trips to Honduras, and maybe some pictures from a mission to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina hit. I know that centers more around service, but we could have a million lessons on service and love and still not cover it all.
I feel that it is important to instill into young minds the love of Christ and help them get ready to serve.