Late last night I realized that I have an unhealthy addiction.
It's not what you automatically think when you hear the word (addiction). It's more of an addiction to love, and generally, I look to books to find it.
I am currently reading a series, for the second time, that I will not mention, because to some of you, it would seem rediculous, when I say that I find truelove here.
I do not read the gushy romance novels that most women pick up; those to me are like porn in words. I don't like. it.
I find love in the book I am currently reading in the language used, the way the girl acts in stupid ways just to see or hear her lover. I can feel her unrequited love as she finally opens up after he leaves, "for her sake."
She loves him. I want to love like that, and be loved like that. So much, that when I'm not in the presence of that person, I begin to anticpate just seeing them the next time.
God's love for us is the same way. I know that he loves me so much, that when I am hurting, he is there to lift me up. I can find love in him, and he can return that love to me. The unrelenting power of love is what draws me in. It has a magnetic force so strong, that standing in the wake of it makes me sway, gently, until I feel it.
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