It has definitely been a while since I have written!! I probably wouldn't even be writing now, if a dear friend hadn't asked me about it the other night.
It's almost the New Year, and yet again, I am still single, still without any plans, and very bored.
Lots of things have happened since the last time I wrote. Number one, Christmas break! Much drama among the household, but hey, what is a holiday without any family drama?
I graduate in July, which I am very excited, yet overwhelmed at the very same time! Many things have to be thought out and well planned, like, oh say, where I'm going to live when my college journey FINALLY ends, where I might find a job, if I actually make it in the "real world" as they call it, and if I may ever get that very special someone.
Of course, I am very aware that I cannot do it all alone. God absolutely has to be there when I make all of those very tough decisions and such, and He is definitely the one ruling in the dating life, or--ahem-- the lack there of. I have come to the conclusion that there are some things I may have to work on when it comes to getting the one thing every girl wants, that special guy.
I am no good at making, let alone keeping, Resolutions. I gave up on those way back, you know a grand total of like 4 years, being that I'm only 21 years old. I do hope that I can continue to grow closer to God (maybe He will find favor and send me my man!) I am definitely sure that He gets very tired of hearing me complain about it, that's for sure!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
.:La Musica:.
Music is powerful. It can control the very mood you are in.
If you listen to happy, vibrant music, most likely, you will be in a happy mood.
The same goes for other types or genres as well. I find myself being conformed to the music and feeling the way the artist expresses his or herself. If they present themselves as angry, my mood may change to dreary and unhappy.
Often times, I listen to music to make me feel better. Sometimes, if I am in a less than okay mood, I listen to what I call "angry music" because I feel that I can relate to how the artist is feeling.
On most days, you will find me listening to what I call "Jesus Music." It makes me feel good, and, I don't have to worry about anger or depression.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Late last night I realized that I have an unhealthy addiction.
It's not what you automatically think when you hear the word (addiction). It's more of an addiction to love, and generally, I look to books to find it.
I am currently reading a series, for the second time, that I will not mention, because to some of you, it would seem rediculous, when I say that I find truelove here.
I do not read the gushy romance novels that most women pick up; those to me are like porn in words. I don't like. it.
I find love in the book I am currently reading in the language used, the way the girl acts in stupid ways just to see or hear her lover. I can feel her unrequited love as she finally opens up after he leaves, "for her sake."
She loves him. I want to love like that, and be loved like that. So much, that when I'm not in the presence of that person, I begin to anticpate just seeing them the next time.
God's love for us is the same way. I know that he loves me so much, that when I am hurting, he is there to lift me up. I can find love in him, and he can return that love to me. The unrelenting power of love is what draws me in. It has a magnetic force so strong, that standing in the wake of it makes me sway, gently, until I feel it.
It's not what you automatically think when you hear the word (addiction). It's more of an addiction to love, and generally, I look to books to find it.
I am currently reading a series, for the second time, that I will not mention, because to some of you, it would seem rediculous, when I say that I find truelove here.
I do not read the gushy romance novels that most women pick up; those to me are like porn in words. I don't like. it.
I find love in the book I am currently reading in the language used, the way the girl acts in stupid ways just to see or hear her lover. I can feel her unrequited love as she finally opens up after he leaves, "for her sake."
She loves him. I want to love like that, and be loved like that. So much, that when I'm not in the presence of that person, I begin to anticpate just seeing them the next time.
God's love for us is the same way. I know that he loves me so much, that when I am hurting, he is there to lift me up. I can find love in him, and he can return that love to me. The unrelenting power of love is what draws me in. It has a magnetic force so strong, that standing in the wake of it makes me sway, gently, until I feel it.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Often times, I struggle with things that life throws at me, and sometimes wonder if I have made the right decision.
There have been events recently that have made me just wonder why I even continue to be apart of that life.
I, along with God's help, have made the decision to cut myself off from those people who have called me friend, but now I wonder if they really meant it.
It is best for me. For my relationship with God, and for my sanity and life in general.
God has made it possible for me to make these decisions. Sometimes through song, and other times through actions of people.
Yes, it is hard for me to just drop what I'm comfortable with, but it had to be done.
I have debated finding the counseling center at my school, but I never seem to "find the time."
As of now, I am relying, again, on God, and real friends who actually care.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My mind seems to work too much sometimes.
I over, or I even over-analyze. That's just how I am.
Even if there is nothing to think about, I think anyhow, just for something to do.
Lately, I have been thinking, just when might God see it cool to let me in on a little secret.
Every time I think it, I get hit with something like, "You have to wait," or my favorite, "I know what I'm doing, so just give me the reigns and let me handle this little thing called love for you."
Yes, so I said it, LOVE. The four letter word no one seems to wan to talk about, unless you are actually in love.
I often times THINK about love, not the familial love, but a love only found between a man and a woman. Then, God reminds me that I have that covenant love with Him, and that I never really have to worry about where I can get love. All I have to do is look up.
I over, or I even over-analyze. That's just how I am.
Even if there is nothing to think about, I think anyhow, just for something to do.
Lately, I have been thinking, just when might God see it cool to let me in on a little secret.
Every time I think it, I get hit with something like, "You have to wait," or my favorite, "I know what I'm doing, so just give me the reigns and let me handle this little thing called love for you."
Yes, so I said it, LOVE. The four letter word no one seems to wan to talk about, unless you are actually in love.
I often times THINK about love, not the familial love, but a love only found between a man and a woman. Then, God reminds me that I have that covenant love with Him, and that I never really have to worry about where I can get love. All I have to do is look up.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Smile.Guys Like It
In recent endeavors, my Psych. of Human Sexuality class has discussed some pretty out there things, things that no one EVER wants to talk about. Today, however, was a day that I will never forget.
As we were drawing near the end, we began discussing flirting, after all, today's class was about attraction. Here is what I learned:
As we were drawing near the end, we began discussing flirting, after all, today's class was about attraction. Here is what I learned:
Women all over the world flirt with the same sequence:
*Smile, lifts eyebrows, drops eyelids, tilts head to the side, then looks away, may giggle, and use hands to cover face.
Men all over the world also flirt with the same sequence of behaviors:
*Stand tall, smile, chest thrust, gaze...eye language.
I realized something about myself today: I do every single one of these things, when speaking to a guy.
Ladies, take a look at yourself, I'm sure you do all them too...
that is all
Friday, September 18, 2009

At the University I attend, we have to go to chapel every week. Thursday, I went, and the music was fantastic. The song that touched me most, was the song You Won't Relent by Misty Edwards. the words settled in, and I realized how close God wants us to be to Him.
When I go to this same spot on the lake, I feel closer to God, like I could reach out and touch His face. It's so awesome....
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I Said "Thank You" Instead of "Amen"
Here is the scenario: I do my little presentation on a Medical Missions group, and am asked, by my prof to pray for the class...
So I pray my little prayer, trying not to stumble on my words. At the end, I said "Thank you," instead of "Amen."
Horrifying!! Luckily, no one noticed.
I think back now, even though it was only yesterday, at how funny it is, and that praying outloud isn't so bad after all, not that it doesn't still scare the bijeeeezes outta me to do it still, but hey, I'm working on it!!
Today, I took an exam in a class so happily named, "AIDS." For real, I know I missed like four. Hopefully I will still have a good grade!!
Can we talk about the rain!! I love it!! :) yay for rain...
So I pray my little prayer, trying not to stumble on my words. At the end, I said "Thank you," instead of "Amen."
Horrifying!! Luckily, no one noticed.
I think back now, even though it was only yesterday, at how funny it is, and that praying outloud isn't so bad after all, not that it doesn't still scare the bijeeeezes outta me to do it still, but hey, I'm working on it!!
Today, I took an exam in a class so happily named, "AIDS." For real, I know I missed like four. Hopefully I will still have a good grade!!
Can we talk about the rain!! I love it!! :) yay for rain...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
PB&J, Cheezits, and Music
Today, my 9 A.M. class was cancelled which resulted in me sleeing in.
I was pretty overwhelmed when classes first started, things piled on, one thing after another. I thought my brain might just fall out. Luckily, God is better than that haha... He helped me through it and also made me realize some things about myself. It's been good.
Friday, August 21, 2009
New Start
It's the beginning of a new school year. Only, this is my last beginning, because it's my last year as an undergrad!!! woohoo!!! The year started a little shaky, but that cleared up. Oh, and, well, nevermind. Nothing really to say, just that I hope it flies by!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Biscuits, WITH Grape jelly
Last night, I ventured off with AB to a great little restuarant, happily named Cracker Barrel. We walk in, and she immediately asked if there was a certain person working, because she wanted to sit in his section. SO, yes, he was working, and let me tell you, that was the most interesting evening I had EVER had. First off, I would like to say that I have NEVER met a guy so courteous and sweet!! haha Anyhow, it was sooo sweet to see how they interacted and stuff!! Yeah, so, I definitely could have fell in love with him if I could have met him early on!! HAHAHAAA... I know she is probably going to read this, so I am not going to put in any details, except the fact that he, at one point called her lovebug! How cute is that!! Oh, and AB you have to look up the song Lovebug..
Thursday, August 6, 2009
God the Artist

Friday, July 31, 2009
No Title Necessary
One day, or should I cleverly say night, I was chatting with a very close friend of mine over Facebook, well because we are MILES apart. She and I were discussing boys, school, more boys, and the friend scene. There were many things I, and she shared, that I never thought I would tell anyone, wel, because I thought no one would understand wehre I was, or am, coming from.

First, the subject of boys... Mainly, I complained of how I was tired of waiting, but, she, being the clever person she is, was used by God to tell me to hold off, 'cause, basically in a nutshell, the right guy is coming eventually. I quickly reassured her that she had her's coming too, and hopefully it's who we both hope it is :) She is so wise in this area, and it makes me feel confident in talking to her.
School is starting back up soon and we are both excited. Not only does she get to come home, but Farm House and the Blue Hole both are waiting for us. It is only a couple of days before she'll be back, and I cannot WAIT!!!
I'm not going to elaborate more on the boy conversation. There is no need :)
Friend Scene. In this part of the conversation, I began blatantly stating how lucky my not so Christian friends have it. A few statements I made:
*"They get to live, and do what ever, how ever they want to."
*"Sometimes, I get jealous because they stay out all night, sleep all day and I am stuck somewhere like the library studying, just so I can barely pass a test."
She most comfortingly tells me that:
*"It'll be worth it!!"
* and basically that I can tough it out!

I know that God has me here for a reason, and if I listen and stick it out, I will have all I need for life... Thanks Cass for helping me see!!! ILY, You are the best!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Smellin' Fresh Mowed Grass at 11:00 A.M.
To me, this smell is absolutely apalling. Today is High-Five Friday, so high-fives for everyone!!! yesterday was Thankful Thursday, so I thought I would make a list of things I am thankful for on this glorious High-Five Friday.
1. God, for saving me
2. my nieces
3. breath
4. music
5. mom
6. prayer
7. grace
8. life
9. humor
10. church
I finally figured out how to make kids be quiet. I popped in a movie,and they haven't said one word since it started. To me, this shows America's reliance on technology to make kids behave, even for a little while. I caved because that's all they have wanted to do all week.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Open Eyes
"Honduras 2009:
Many things I looked upon while in a developing country really made me think. I am free, I have money to live, I have a nice home, I don't have to worry about disease and infliction and I know that I have medical access when I do get sick. We as Americans have it lucky. I wish more people could realize. Today, I was reading a post done by a friend who is in E**pt. It was about Garbage City, the name explains it all. My niece comes around the corner and asks, about a picture on the screen, "What is that?!?" in a kind of voice that expresses disgust. I told her what it was, she stood there and cimply replied, "Cool." I then quickly repremanded her saying, "Lea, kids have to live in that garbage, consider yourself lucky that you don't live there." All she said was, "Yeah." I know she is only a child, but even a child her age COULD understand how lucky we are.
Many things I looked upon while in a developing country really made me think. I am free, I have money to live, I have a nice home, I don't have to worry about disease and infliction and I know that I have medical access when I do get sick. We as Americans have it lucky. I wish more people could realize. Today, I was reading a post done by a friend who is in E**pt. It was about Garbage City, the name explains it all. My niece comes around the corner and asks, about a picture on the screen, "What is that?!?" in a kind of voice that expresses disgust. I told her what it was, she stood there and cimply replied, "Cool." I then quickly repremanded her saying, "Lea, kids have to live in that garbage, consider yourself lucky that you don't live there." All she said was, "Yeah." I know she is only a child, but even a child her age COULD understand how lucky we are.

For instance, this little girl in El Pital, Honduras. She has no shoes, dirty clothes, dirty face, yet she is content in living because she knows what she has is worth living for.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
new things
Right now, I am sitting on the bed in a new house. Well, not my house. I am puppy and house sitting for a friend while she is outta town. Two little puppies are laying near me, almost asleep. I hope that she reads this, so she will know that her darlings are perfectly fine, and they are cool and calm. It's pretty awesome to be alone in a house, knowing that parents will not be coming in the door soon. It's awesome...Yeah, so, hmmm...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
When You Ask, Most of the Time You Get an Answer You Do Not Want
I just got back from my mission trip to Rio Viejo, Honduras...I had recently asked God to somehow let me know what my life's calling is...Well, He sure did...With a great slap, I realized He was showing me as we worked clinics in small villages in Honduras. Apparently, I'm going to live there and teach health in the local school in Rio Viejo. tell me, wouldn't be hard to accept. I said yes.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Three Days
In three days, I'll be flying to a little place called Rio Viejo, Honduras. A medical m issions trip is taking place there, and I'll be a part of it. Funny thing is, I've been called to missions....What to do...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
County Fair: My First Ever
It's been a few weeks since I have written. Life has been so busy lately with summer school, life, and friends....
This weekend, I decided that since my mom and step-dad were gonna be outta town, I would go to my sister's house in good ol' Georgia. She and her husband surprised me with a trip to the county fair.
I was sooo excited, I had never been to a fair before. Saturday afternoon we headed out. First, a shopping trip, then diner, then THE FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Off we went, TJMax was calling, so we stopped there. Went to Ryan's for dinner.
We got to the fair, and the smell of funnel cake overwhelmed, seeing that I had just eaten. First, we rode the Ferris Wheel, which I happen to be terrified of. As we went around, I began counting, which is an obssessive thing I do when I get panicky or scared. Anyhow, we got off the Ferris Wheel and we pretty much ran for the Orbiter...OMG the best thing EVER. I rode with my niece L. She made it more enjoyable because of the witty things she was yelling at the top of her lungs. We got off that and rode the other things. As we were standing in line for our last ride, it began to rain. We headed for a tent. It began to slack off, so L and her dad R wanted to throw darts at balloons for a stuffed animal. My sister and I stood there waiting on them. It began to rain again so we darted under the awning of the dart throwing place. Then, the sky fell out and it poured. We then ran to the nearest tent, which happened to be the animal tent. It rained, the wind blew, it rained some more, and the wind blew even harder. We were soaked, even though we were under a tent. R went ahead to unlock the car doors. We stood there and Sis and L began taking of their shoes. She said on the count of 10, we are running. She got to 3, and I yelled GO!!!!1 so we took off. I took my sandals off, and the water was above my ankles. We ran through mud and rocks and nasty water and finally made it to the car.
My soaking adventure this weekend made me remember what it was like to be a kid, and actually have no worries...
It was great.
This weekend, I decided that since my mom and step-dad were gonna be outta town, I would go to my sister's house in good ol' Georgia. She and her husband surprised me with a trip to the county fair.
I was sooo excited, I had never been to a fair before. Saturday afternoon we headed out. First, a shopping trip, then diner, then THE FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Off we went, TJMax was calling, so we stopped there. Went to Ryan's for dinner.
We got to the fair, and the smell of funnel cake overwhelmed, seeing that I had just eaten. First, we rode the Ferris Wheel, which I happen to be terrified of. As we went around, I began counting, which is an obssessive thing I do when I get panicky or scared. Anyhow, we got off the Ferris Wheel and we pretty much ran for the Orbiter...OMG the best thing EVER. I rode with my niece L. She made it more enjoyable because of the witty things she was yelling at the top of her lungs. We got off that and rode the other things. As we were standing in line for our last ride, it began to rain. We headed for a tent. It began to slack off, so L and her dad R wanted to throw darts at balloons for a stuffed animal. My sister and I stood there waiting on them. It began to rain again so we darted under the awning of the dart throwing place. Then, the sky fell out and it poured. We then ran to the nearest tent, which happened to be the animal tent. It rained, the wind blew, it rained some more, and the wind blew even harder. We were soaked, even though we were under a tent. R went ahead to unlock the car doors. We stood there and Sis and L began taking of their shoes. She said on the count of 10, we are running. She got to 3, and I yelled GO!!!!1 so we took off. I took my sandals off, and the water was above my ankles. We ran through mud and rocks and nasty water and finally made it to the car.
My soaking adventure this weekend made me remember what it was like to be a kid, and actually have no worries...
It was great.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Livin' On A Prayer...
Not to fully steal the name of the great Bon Jovi's song, but hey, it works. My life is spent literally living on a prayer. My mom's prayer that is. I know that if it weren't for her, I would be in a totally different place... Yes, I pray, but there is absolutely nothing like a mama's prayer...(can I get an AMEN) believe me...I hope my mama never stops prayin'. :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Today is Not Over
This weekend, I spent Saturday afternoon in downtown Chatty. Ten college age girls went down and four went to a museum and six went to the aquarium. We played all evening and even went the Imax theatre.
However, in the back of our minds, in it's place, we knew that this was it. The end of Starlite. We pushed that aside long enough to have a good time and K a wedding shower. After, AB decided to go around the circle and thank all of us. this left all with tear streaked faces and realizing that it's over.
It's hard knowing that I'll not have this to turn to and serve my girls.
However, in the back of our minds, in it's place, we knew that this was it. The end of Starlite. We pushed that aside long enough to have a good time and K a wedding shower. After, AB decided to go around the circle and thank all of us. this left all with tear streaked faces and realizing that it's over.
It's hard knowing that I'll not have this to turn to and serve my girls.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Nasty Little Virus Called Life
As we all know life happens.
Between "My Paper Heart" crumpling and then smoothing out again, grades and the ministry I am with coming to its seasons end, the overwhelming stress has piled on like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
Finals are winding around the corner and students at the University I attend are finding themselves distracted. I am in the boat myself. Ha, jus the other day, I found myself wanting to skip the rest of my classes, leave homework behind, and magically find myself at the swimming hole.
Ity's a spook-a-palooza type of time in life. My 21st birthday is only four days away. This is a big change in life, I'll officially be an adult with no restrictions on my license. Kinda makes me feel old, knowing that ten years ago I was getting ready to turn eleven, waiting on my second niece to be born. Now, I'm a successful college student heading toward senior year.
Pretty exciting. This weekend is the last outing with Ministry. It'll be a bittersweet ending. I will miss my college family.
Between "My Paper Heart" crumpling and then smoothing out again, grades and the ministry I am with coming to its seasons end, the overwhelming stress has piled on like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
Finals are winding around the corner and students at the University I attend are finding themselves distracted. I am in the boat myself. Ha, jus the other day, I found myself wanting to skip the rest of my classes, leave homework behind, and magically find myself at the swimming hole.
Ity's a spook-a-palooza type of time in life. My 21st birthday is only four days away. This is a big change in life, I'll officially be an adult with no restrictions on my license. Kinda makes me feel old, knowing that ten years ago I was getting ready to turn eleven, waiting on my second niece to be born. Now, I'm a successful college student heading toward senior year.
Pretty exciting. This weekend is the last outing with Ministry. It'll be a bittersweet ending. I will miss my college family.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Yes, well, Easter break is coming to an end. Sad, I know. I am sitting here, writing this, and I really have nothing to say, oh yeah, I can tell a funny story...
This Conversation takes place on Friday evening between Lea (my 9 year old niece) and myself:
This Conversation takes place on Friday evening between Lea (my 9 year old niece) and myself:
Me: "Shaddy (freind of mine) just said that beards are hot..."
Lea: "Ewww, no."
Me: "I know right? Could you imagine kissing something like that?"
Lea: "It would be too scratchy and itchy, I think I would prefer a smooth face."
Me: "Me too. To think about a nasty beard is gross. Beards are soo nasty and things get stuck in them."
Lea: "I know, who wants that? Eww."
Now keep in mind that Lea is nine. We later concluded that a guy with a nice smooth face would be best. None of that scratchy stuff. Yeah, so we had a good time laughing about it. I think that it will be one of those little conversations that she will remember for a while.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Is it Theatre or Theater?

Aside from it being FOREVER since I last wrote, today is FRIDAY PTL!!!!!
Now, this past Sunday morning, I decieded that the lighting outside was perfect some awesome picture taking... To the left you see my tulips growing, reaching higher and higher to God. I have others that I took that morning before running off to church, but this one stands out for some reason, I just cannot pin point it. Things so simple in life can give you joy and looking at these tulips, I am happy.
Often times, we pass by without ever stopping to take a moment and realize the beauty of our God's Creation. We are too busy to slow down and take in the scenery He has granted us with. I am thankful each day for the beautiful things that He places in front of me from time to time to remind me just how wonderful HE really is.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Dog Just Sniffed a Glass Jar
I can't think of anything to say...I know, shocker. HAHAHAAA....Oh I guess I coul dsay that I raised over half the money for my mission trip this past weekend. Which is a blessing.
1. hmmmm, I have hunger..
2. I have no class today.
3. Shamrocks make me laugh.
4. Sunny with a high of 75...I love it when it's sunny
5. I have to clean for money today...hahaha.aa...I do want those tevas
1. hmmmm, I have hunger..
2. I have no class today.
3. Shamrocks make me laugh.
4. Sunny with a high of 75...I love it when it's sunny
5. I have to clean for money today...hahaha.aa...I do want those tevas
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Picture This
In this post I will be telling a few very hilarious (well to me anyways) stories...I hope that you laugh when you read them...
Picture this:
You are in a girls' locker room at your school (college). You are changing your clothes right in front of the door. When you hear the first door open you FREAK OUT....You run, only to find out, the floor going toward the stalls and sinks are flooded with the funny little thing called H2O. You slip...hit the floor...but manage to keep the clothes you were trying to put on out of the water...Did I mention that, you are only in a sports bra and panties???
*Last semester, this happened to me...and I laughed...very hard...after I realized that no one had saw me in the unmentionables...tehe
Okay, now for this dream:
So I serve with an all girl's ministry through the University I attend. I had this dream that our NEW office was this inflatable house with two stories. On the second story, therre are inflatable chairs built into the wall where we congregate for our meetings. Oh yeah, the house is a circle shape. Now, as we are discussing our many ministry things, the house begins to deflate. We are all like, OH NO!!! when we finally landed on the ground, there were severel people there that I did not recognize...their noses fell off...yeah.
Story 2:
The director of the ministry and I were on an adventure during Christmas break because I'm the only student that lives in town. She is driving and we end up at Olive Garden. By the end of the night, we had managed to get no breadsticks because the waitress insisted that they were out.
Spring Break:
I did nothing for the whole week except work. Then, Thursday night around 9:00 P.M., the Youth Pastor at the church I attend called me and said, "Hey, one the girls got sick and can't go to WinterFest this weekend. We need another girl, would you be interested?"
My answer of course, was yes. So, I left with them on Friday at noon. And let me tell you, this weekend was awesome!!!!!!! There is definitely no doubt that God was moving through that arena all three days. It was almost like you could feel wind off of Him...AMAZING
Picture this:
You are in a girls' locker room at your school (college). You are changing your clothes right in front of the door. When you hear the first door open you FREAK OUT....You run, only to find out, the floor going toward the stalls and sinks are flooded with the funny little thing called H2O. You slip...hit the floor...but manage to keep the clothes you were trying to put on out of the water...Did I mention that, you are only in a sports bra and panties???
*Last semester, this happened to me...and I laughed...very hard...after I realized that no one had saw me in the unmentionables...tehe
Okay, now for this dream:
So I serve with an all girl's ministry through the University I attend. I had this dream that our NEW office was this inflatable house with two stories. On the second story, therre are inflatable chairs built into the wall where we congregate for our meetings. Oh yeah, the house is a circle shape. Now, as we are discussing our many ministry things, the house begins to deflate. We are all like, OH NO!!! when we finally landed on the ground, there were severel people there that I did not recognize...their noses fell off...yeah.
Story 2:
The director of the ministry and I were on an adventure during Christmas break because I'm the only student that lives in town. She is driving and we end up at Olive Garden. By the end of the night, we had managed to get no breadsticks because the waitress insisted that they were out.
Spring Break:
I did nothing for the whole week except work. Then, Thursday night around 9:00 P.M., the Youth Pastor at the church I attend called me and said, "Hey, one the girls got sick and can't go to WinterFest this weekend. We need another girl, would you be interested?"
My answer of course, was yes. So, I left with them on Friday at noon. And let me tell you, this weekend was awesome!!!!!!! There is definitely no doubt that God was moving through that arena all three days. It was almost like you could feel wind off of Him...AMAZING
Friday, February 27, 2009
Chocolate Monkeys, and Dancing Kangaroos
1. Neon green flip flops are the bomb diggity...yes, diggity IS a word
2. Bunny ears are fun to stare at when the flop
3. I honestly do wish that spring break was here...RIGHT NOW
4. I saw two guys at Wal*Mart that could and would have fit in with the Cullens...NO joke...
5. I love taking pictures...
6. Talking makes me happy...
7. Helping my friends through crises is my forte...
8. Sometimes I secretly think that boys are stupid and are just a disguise that aliens put on...
9. "Dick Cheney is not human. He is a robot and has a port-acath in his chest where he stuffs fetuses to survive..."Jason Wolfe
10. I am hoping to watch the Univited tonight...YAY!!!!!!!
Much love and Candy canes...
2. Bunny ears are fun to stare at when the flop
3. I honestly do wish that spring break was here...RIGHT NOW
4. I saw two guys at Wal*Mart that could and would have fit in with the Cullens...NO joke...
5. I love taking pictures...
6. Talking makes me happy...
7. Helping my friends through crises is my forte...
8. Sometimes I secretly think that boys are stupid and are just a disguise that aliens put on...
9. "Dick Cheney is not human. He is a robot and has a port-acath in his chest where he stuffs fetuses to survive..."Jason Wolfe
10. I am hoping to watch the Univited tonight...YAY!!!!!!!
Much love and Candy canes...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
So, earlier this evening, my friend and I, we'll call her Kool-aid, went to get 15 two-liters from the local Walgreens for the ministry we volunteer with.
So, we forgot the card and we had to drive back down the road to get it. She missed the driveway. we pulled into another driveway, and I spotted this cat. This cat was HUGE!! As it started to walk away, I noticed that it was limping. I was like AWWWW poor kitty...
She said:
"It looks like it only has three legs?!?!?!"
So I said"
"Would like me to get out and look?"
She Said:
I get out of the car, and pet the kitty, and lo and behold, the cat only had three legs!!!!
I said to her:
"It does only have three legs...!!!"
I thought that thos story was funny, so I had to share it.
So, we forgot the card and we had to drive back down the road to get it. She missed the driveway. we pulled into another driveway, and I spotted this cat. This cat was HUGE!! As it started to walk away, I noticed that it was limping. I was like AWWWW poor kitty...
She said:
"It looks like it only has three legs?!?!?!"
So I said"
"Would like me to get out and look?"
She Said:
I get out of the car, and pet the kitty, and lo and behold, the cat only had three legs!!!!
I said to her:
"It does only have three legs...!!!"
I thought that thos story was funny, so I had to share it.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
All I Know
So, in exactly one week, it will be Valentine's day. My least favorite holiday of the year. As have gotten older, it has been harder for me to be alone on this day of so called love. In all actuality, St. Valentine's Day is the day when a massacre took place, and many lives were lost.
To me, this doesn't scream love. But hey, however the market can make money, right?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining because I'll be alone on that day. I know that somewhere out there, God has placed a man for me, we just haven't found each other yet.
You may think I'm crazy for having such an opinion, but hey, it's a free country, am I not entitled?
Anyhow, enjoy this day if you have someone. Love them truly
To me, this doesn't scream love. But hey, however the market can make money, right?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining because I'll be alone on that day. I know that somewhere out there, God has placed a man for me, we just haven't found each other yet.
You may think I'm crazy for having such an opinion, but hey, it's a free country, am I not entitled?
Anyhow, enjoy this day if you have someone. Love them truly
Friday, February 6, 2009
Much Ado About Nothing...
Last weekend, I packed up my bags and went with fifteen other ladies. We headed north, to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee to a hotel Wilderness at the Smokies Hotel. It has an indoor water park. OMG!!! The giant toilet water slide, let me tell you, was THE MOST TERRIFYING THING EVER!!!!! However, I had fun, actually a BLAST...God showed me many things over the weekend, how, I am actually loved. I can trust people and I love hanging with the girls.
Now, Recently, Lea, my niece, shared with me this CRAZY dream she had. Skipping to the specifics, at the end, she was end the bathroom, yes on the toilet, and some ghosties were bringing her sweet stuffs and the like.
Now, I don't know about you, but the fact that ghosties were bringing her sweet stuffs, but that's just plain wierd. HA.
Yep, well, I'm to ya later!
Now, Recently, Lea, my niece, shared with me this CRAZY dream she had. Skipping to the specifics, at the end, she was end the bathroom, yes on the toilet, and some ghosties were bringing her sweet stuffs and the like.
Now, I don't know about you, but the fact that ghosties were bringing her sweet stuffs, but that's just plain wierd. HA.
Yep, well, I'm to ya later!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
You cannot even fathom the feeling I am experiencing right now, or maybe you can. I would say more, but I don't want people to know. I would rather only a couple know. So, for my personal life's sake, I'm leaving it at that, just know, that I feel like I'm being jerked around and around. I want the confusion and whiplash to end, Father, take care of this.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
It's Just a Reflex!
So, this morning in chapel, Pecan was speaking on how the culture our generation is/ was raised in is different from 'back then.' He then proceeded to go into how pop culture has altered people's view of sex, which is a very sacred thing to the Church. (and I agree.) Anyhow, he proceeded to say the folliowing things:
"Sex is like a sneeze, just a reflex."
"If it looks good jump on it."
(In replying to our stunned laughter to the sneeze comment:)
::SNIFFLES:: "I have a cold and don't have the energy to do it."
Which sent the entire room into roaring laughter. I hee hawed with my row of friends, as did everyone else. I laughed so hard, I cried.
He had a good point though. The culture young people are brought up in today has distorted the way each person looks at sex. A lot of people now think it's just a fun, recreational thing that has no need for love. No morality in how many so called, 'partners,' on has had.
I do agree that it should be sanctified, and you should wait til marriage, not to mention, this would help tame the spread of disease.
Notice I said 'tame.' Obviously it will not cure or prevent disease, but it will help slow the spread.
Anyhow, off my soap box, it's going to be 8 degrees here where I live tonight!! OMG that makes me sooo happy! :-)
"Sex is like a sneeze, just a reflex."
"If it looks good jump on it."
(In replying to our stunned laughter to the sneeze comment:)
::SNIFFLES:: "I have a cold and don't have the energy to do it."
Which sent the entire room into roaring laughter. I hee hawed with my row of friends, as did everyone else. I laughed so hard, I cried.
He had a good point though. The culture young people are brought up in today has distorted the way each person looks at sex. A lot of people now think it's just a fun, recreational thing that has no need for love. No morality in how many so called, 'partners,' on has had.
I do agree that it should be sanctified, and you should wait til marriage, not to mention, this would help tame the spread of disease.
Notice I said 'tame.' Obviously it will not cure or prevent disease, but it will help slow the spread.
Anyhow, off my soap box, it's going to be 8 degrees here where I live tonight!! OMG that makes me sooo happy! :-)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Not That Interesting
I was juwst thinking...Really, I understand why no one reads this 'bloggy.' It is super boring, considering my writing skill apparently do not exist. HA. Anyhow, this morning was a challenging morning. I had to stay awake in my Cardiovascular Health class, which happened to have a very loud air vent, which in turn was attempting, and almost succeeding, to lull me into a deep sleep. yeah. Although I'm sure what Prof had to say was interesting,. I wouldn't know because, well, my brain just couldn't bear the thought of me actually paying attention oin the first day of class. I quickly realized that I needed caffiene, only to remind myself that I do not drink soft drinks. Coffee was an option, but, I wanted a fizzy drink. You see, I have given them up only recently (being two weeks ago), and it is very diffifcult. But that's okay, my buddy Jesus will help curve the cravings. :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Someting Tells me...
Sitting here, thinking, breathing, realizing, wondering, creating. God keps me close in His embrace, knowing thta if I fall, He'll help me up if He sees I'm not making it.
At this moment in time, God is the only thing holding my head above the water. Sometimes I feel as though I'm falling, he catches me, sets me on my feet and leads me through life. I'm gla for this.
At this moment in time, God is the only thing holding my head above the water. Sometimes I feel as though I'm falling, he catches me, sets me on my feet and leads me through life. I'm gla for this.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Jumping Puddles
So, today, I feel the need to make one of my random words/phrase lists. I dunno, something to help me take my mind off things.
My dog sings
sunshine on a clear day
I love puppies
the ellen show is funny
my thoughts are cloudy
i can't think
i want a mushroom/spinach quesadilla
mmmmmm, I'm hungry
I have seen Twilight 3 times in the theatre, and twice, I got in for free
Chunky monkeys are dancing down my street
i am gonna watch a movie today, I just don't know which one
Prolly Devil's Advocate
or Elf, I love that Movie
Sweet tea is AWESOME
I want shrimp, or spaghetti
ummmmm I want to cook
for a big group of ppl, say my Starlite homies
I slept too much
i need social interaction
I jumped puddles in my rain boots one day, not realy, it was just one BIG puddle, i walked through it
My dog sings
sunshine on a clear day
I love puppies
the ellen show is funny
my thoughts are cloudy
i can't think
i want a mushroom/spinach quesadilla
mmmmmm, I'm hungry
I have seen Twilight 3 times in the theatre, and twice, I got in for free
Chunky monkeys are dancing down my street
i am gonna watch a movie today, I just don't know which one
Prolly Devil's Advocate
or Elf, I love that Movie
Sweet tea is AWESOME
I want shrimp, or spaghetti
ummmmm I want to cook
for a big group of ppl, say my Starlite homies
I slept too much
i need social interaction
I jumped puddles in my rain boots one day, not realy, it was just one BIG puddle, i walked through it
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Smiling into the Clouds
Everyday, I wake up to more clouds and maybe even rain. I feel more at home, even though I've lived here all of my life. Seeing the clouds and fog put me in a dream, a dream of life in the Pacific Northwest. I've always wanted to live in Washington state, on the coast, in a quaint little house. Some people who know me may relate my dream to a series of books I've recently finished. I can immediately shooot that opinion down, only to say that I have always wanted to live there. I plan to visit after college. just to see if it's really what my heart desires.
I cannot wait, well I can, but it'll be hard.
I cannot wait, well I can, but it'll be hard.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Lists...Fun Stuff
I guess with the new Year, everyone feels compelled to make a list of things he or she would like to accomplish througout the year. I am one of those people who likes to make lists, just to see how organized, or how unorganized my life is. Usually it's the latter of the two. HA.
I'm gonna make a list of things I wouldl ike to do this year, some of them concrete, some of them just thoughts:
1. Pet an ostrich
2. Learn to walk gracefully
Oh, who am I kidding?! This list will never be complete, and most things will never be completed!! lol...I'm gonna go attempt sleep
I'm gonna make a list of things I wouldl ike to do this year, some of them concrete, some of them just thoughts:
1. Pet an ostrich
2. Learn to walk gracefully
Oh, who am I kidding?! This list will never be complete, and most things will never be completed!! lol...I'm gonna go attempt sleep
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