I have neglected writing here, as well in my journal! The reason I haven't written here is because I have been dealing with myself being dumb and doubtful. I didn't think when I became a Sunday School teacher that I would suddenly begin to think that I am no good at it and that I am too boring for the kids. I did, even though people kept telling me that I am doing a great job and the kids are enjoying it so much.
It got to the point where I would put off trying to even search for a lesson until the Friday or Saturday before. Today, (Saturday) I thought to myself, "Guess I better go try to find a lesson on-line since I don't have one written out yet." I usually do not use the internet for my lessons, but today I did, and I am glad that I did too. I typed in "Sunday school lessons for 9-11," and a lesson on Noah's ark and promises came up. For some reason, I went to it, and I read it, and knew instantly that it was my lesson for Sunday (tomorrow).
I believe that something good will come out of this lesson and that the class will enjoy it.
The only thing I have to fight now, is to not feel like a zombie when I get up in the morning. I haven't gotten much sleep in two days, like roughly 5 hours, and on top of that I have a cold, thanks to my lovely mama. I feel a little like a walking dead person right now, but with some cold medicine, I'm sure that weird little feeling will go away.
I have to share my affinity for Christmas, Christmas music, Christmas music, and Christmastime in general. In fact, I have internet radio pulled up and Christmas music is playing. To top it off, I just finished watching "Elf" the movie, which is my favorite Christmas movie ever. I love to start Christmas stuff early. People think I am crazy, but is my absolute FAVORITE time of year! What can I say? In all caps, just for you: I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!