Saturday, October 23, 2010

Taking Advice from Jesus

What Would Jesus Do?

I recently found a book that I have had for years that was stashed away in a box with some old movies. The book is entitled "What Would Jesus Do?"

It's basically a book with answers to every day life questions, such as, "What would Jesus do if he knew someone was doing something wrong?" I never really gave the book any thought until I found it the other day, and figured it would be good to use for my lovely Sunday school class.

I mean, we could all take some advice from Jesus, right? It is filled with Bible verses on each subject, and little comments from individuals like Mother Teresa and others.

I shall let you know how it goes, but I'm sure it will go over well. My kids are eager to learn!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is It Possible?

Is it possible to love someone who you don't even know yet?

This is a question I have been turning over in my head for a while now. I have known that I will eventually marry someone, but of course, I am not even sure of who it is at this moment.

I can say that, I feel as though I love the person already, which sounds absolutely insane.

However, there isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about that person, and feel the love for him in my heart.

I try not to think about it all the time because, eventually, it wears me down that I am still single.

I apologize for the weirdness of this post. I had to write it out, so here I put it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Discourse Among the Nation

I can honestly say, even though I am only 22 years old, that I am shocked at how much the world (mainly the U.S.) has changed. I remember when I was little, I was made to play outside, at least a little, every single day until it got too cold. Now, kids plop themselves down in front of a screen and play computer games or video games.

I also remember the days when if I tried to wear shorts that were even a little too short, I would be sent back into my room to change into what my mom called "something decent." I cannot believe some of the things parents consider decent these days.

Call me old-fashioned or strange if you like, but I just do not appreciate seeing a boy's behind hanging out of his pants, or seeing a girl whose skirt is so short, you can see everything, if you catch my drift.

Know that in no way am I imparting judgement upon these individuals, but I do believe that it is up to the parent to say the 'n' word, referring to the word NO.

I can honestly say that I have taken my nieces shopping (ages 11 and 13) and they describe the clothes that celebrity designers are putting out there as trashy and unappealing. The fact that their mom (my sister) has instilled into them that wearing a skirt that shows their bottoms, or a shirt so tight and low, they may as well go without one, is not a way that they want to represent themselves. Again, no judgement imparted.

I was thinking about it today, how different things are, and how socially acceptable things are now that wouldn't have flown over so easy just a decade ago. It saddens me to see these things change like this.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Promises and the Ark

Again, I am still listening to Christmas music. It doesn't hurt to get in the spirit early.

Yesterday, I wrote about my wonderful Sunday school lesson. Now, I'm going to tell you about it.

I taught on Noah's Ark. I'm sure you think, "Lady, you teach 9-11 year olds, not four year olds." I thought the same thing, at first, until I read the whole lesson.

It was on God's promises, and promises in general.

We all know the story: God tells Noah to build an ark, which made him the laughing stock of the community. The joke was on those people when it rained for forty days and forty nights, and the water stuck around for around five months. The raven Noah sent out, just flew back and forth, the dove he sent out, came back twice and didn't return the third time. God told Noah that he was putting a sign on earth as a covenant. That sign was a rainbow. It was God's promise that he wouldn't send a flood to destroy the whole earth and all of man again.

We then talked about what promises are, and how absolutely no promise should be broken, and how it felt when a friend breaks a promise, especially if it involves a secret.

I don't know about you, but I haven't forgot about God's promises to me. He has given me plenty of rainbows to remind me that he has not forgotten, nor broken his promises.

I'm very thankful that he hasn't forgotten that promise.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Power and Christmas

I have neglected writing here, as well in my journal! The reason I haven't written here is because I have been dealing with myself being dumb and doubtful. I didn't think when I became a Sunday School teacher that I would suddenly begin to think that I am no good at it and that I am too boring for the kids. I did, even though people kept telling me that I am doing a great job and the kids are enjoying it so much.

It got to the point where I would put off trying to even search for a lesson until the Friday or Saturday before. Today, (Saturday) I thought to myself, "Guess I better go try to find a lesson on-line since I don't have one written out yet." I usually do not use the internet for my lessons, but today I did, and I am glad that I did too. I typed in "Sunday school lessons for 9-11," and a lesson on Noah's ark and promises came up. For some reason, I went to it, and I read it, and knew instantly that it was my lesson for Sunday (tomorrow).

I believe that something good will come out of this lesson and that the class will enjoy it.

The only thing I have to fight now, is to not feel like a zombie when I get up in the morning. I haven't gotten much sleep in two days, like roughly 5 hours, and on top of that I have a cold, thanks to my lovely mama. I feel a little like a walking dead person right now, but with some cold medicine, I'm sure that weird little feeling will go away.

I have to share my affinity for Christmas, Christmas music, Christmas music, and Christmastime in general. In fact, I have internet radio pulled up and Christmas music is playing. To top it off, I just finished watching "Elf" the movie, which is my favorite Christmas movie ever. I love to start Christmas stuff early. People think I am crazy, but is my absolute FAVORITE time of year! What can I say? In all caps, just for you: I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This week, our church is hosting a revival, and God has been on the move, and people have been healed, set free, and walls have crumbled beneath us. It has been a few months since our last revival, and I (along with many others) was in need of a serious refurbishing of the fire inside of me. Not that it ever completely died out, but I needed a fresh spark

It has been fantastic.

Now, the real reason I came to write, is Sunday school. Sunday, I only had two kids, and both happen to be related to me. So, we spend the forty-five minutes discussing miracles that Jesus performed, and how awesome and big he is. We put our requests into the prayer box and left. It seems that when you do not have a room full of boisterous children, time can pass pretty slowly. So, when it was almost time to leave, we were discussing fall festivals and pin ball toys. Yes, a small diversion away from the glory of Christ, but the bell was ringing, so it's okay, right?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Should I?

I cannot decide on whether or not I want to write a Sunday school lesson, or just wing it. I mean, I already have the stories of miracles picked out, even though I hate to limit the number, I'm just not sure if I wanna go and write a whole lesson.

Jesus did many great things, and by telling a few of the stories of accounted for miracles, I am hoping that the kids can see just how big their God is. I know they understand that they have a BIG God, but do they really understand his compassion, his healing nature, his love for his children?

I have put it off for two weeks just because I'm just not certain.

I strongly dislike being uncertain. I am a person who wants things done days ahead, and perfect. The last lesson I wrote was on worship, and I think that after I wrote out the lesson, i read over it at least four times a day, just to make sure that I had not left anything out and that it was written enough in the vernacular for my class to understand.

I try not to dumb it down too much because I want my kid's minds to expand in both knowledge and vocabulary. So much of today's words are abbreviations and what I call "text talk." No one really sits down to meaningful face-to-face conversations anymore.

That was sort of a soap box, and I am stepping off of it now. Sorry.

Anyhow, I guess, I will just read over the stories and see if I should write anything out.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Every day, I have a reason to thank my wonderful God. He lets me wake, he lets me breath, live, socialize, and basically, he keeps me going. I have to take my time today in thanking him for life.

I thank him for the beautiful sunsets and sunrises that he lets me see on a day to day basis. For example, the sunset above. This is one reason why I love living in the country. You get an unadulterated view of how impossibly beautiful God is. He paints the skies just for us, everyday.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rio Viejo

You know how when you love something so much, it sometimes hurts to be away from it? Well, I am having a day like that today. The picture above is from my most recent stay in a village in Rio Viejo, Honduras. The team and I walked down to the river to take a quick dip before dinner because, well, it's pretty hot there sometimes (well, a lot of times). It'shard to believe that during the rainy season, the rocks where I am standing are completely submerged beneath a raging river.

This past adventure was harder to leave for some reason. It's like the more I go, the more I want to stay and never come home. I think that a piece of my heart is still at Dyer Rural Jungle Hospital, in that beautiful rain forest of Rio Viejo.

I miss it.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Church and Food

Today, I made homemade pumpkin-raisin scones AND black and white brownies; which means there is cheesecake batter dropped into the pan of uncooked brownies. Let e just say that it smell REALLY good in my house right now.

Why are you making all those wonderfully delicious sweets, you may ask? Well, tomorrow is my church's homecoming. I figure I should make something to go along with all of the yummy food that will be involved tomorrow. I mean, chicken n' dumplings, fried chicken, turkey and dressing, macaroni and cheese, and many, many more dishes.

I am so very thankful that I live in the great south. People sure know how to cook some great southern traditions when it comes to church get together's.

Needless to say, I am looking forward to all the good food tomorrow. Oh, I cannot wait!!!!