Friday, February 26, 2010


My friends, it is Friday!! Let us praise the Maker for it!

1. The sun is shining
2. It is freezing, and I do't like it
3. In just a few short hours I will be making a short drive to Georgia to pick up my youngest niece when she gets out of school

It has undoubtedly been the longest week of my entire life!! I am currently in the process of lining up a job for when I have graduated. Let me just say that it is definitely a stressful process. Everytime I turn around, I have missed a deadline for something or, because I have not yet graduated, I do not have official transcripts, so I cannot apply or send a resume. BOO!!

That's really all I have right now. If something else comes up, I will definitely holla back!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend Wipe-Out

This weekend was absolutely fantastic!!

Friday night, I went to the movies to see Shutter Island, which was not all it wass copped up to be...

Saturday, my step-dad left and returned home with a truck -load of dirt. DIRT!!! 1200 pounds of it!! Every country girl's dream!!!! I had a blast shoveling the dirt to the ground! It was the best thing ever!! No lie!! After about and hour and a half of shovel, we finally emptied the truck! That afternoon I met up with some great friends to lay in the sun in the park, seeing that the weather was absolutely fantastic and all! We laid there talking and giggling and we might have even did a little interpretive dancing...::chuckles::

Sunday, I woke up realizing that shoveling that much dirt is a full body work-out, no joke! I was, and still am, very very sore!!

I spent the afternoon with my lovely sister and then came home from church to study for a test that occurred at 8:00 this morning... I believe I did fine, hopefully. I must now go begin studying for a medical terminology test that will happen next week!! Toodles!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Scared to Bits

Tonight, my friends, a few people and myself will be taking an adventure to the local theatre to watch a new thriller: Shutter Island.

Now, as for myself, I LOVE movies that are likely to make me scream, but as for on of the people going with me, Annar, well, she's not one for the scariness...

Lemme just say that I am so incredibly EXCITED!! I mean look at all of the usage of 'all caps' lettering... It sends the message, yeah?

Friday, February 12, 2010


hey y'all!!

Well, it snowed again today. :( I was so disappointed when that stupid stuff started falling from the sky...

Tonight, I went to a Chinese New Year party thing at my school...I met Annar's sister, who's name I cannot remember right now(sorry), and hung out with some great people.

When I got home, I thought I would take some snow pictures, even though I protested the other day, and I already have a million. So, as I am standing on the front porch of my lovely country abode, I hear what I think is coyotes yelling. I completely wigged out and made my presh little puppy come in, because who wants their favorite little doggy to be eaten by ravage coyotes.

Now, I am not sure if the "s" should be on the end of the word coyote, but because of where I am from, that's how we say it.

Anyhow, so I came in, to an empty house, because my mom and step-dad are out of town for the weekend. I immediately decided that it is movie time...But I don't know what to watch... I think I will grab a Krispy Creme doughnut, or two :), and go watch some movies...Because, what 21 year old goes to bed at 9:00 P.M. on a Friday night?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

River the Making

I forgot to add yesterday that in my Human Geography class, I have learned that the world is doomed and we will all die of famine and old age...

There is no way to fix this, at least not as of yet. So prepare yourselves and stock up on water and food. That way when things really do run out, you will have what you need, at least for a while. ;)

Also, it is snowing again, and in Tennessee, better yet, Cleveland, that is a big deal!! Not that it is sticking on the ground or anything, just falling. I usually love snow and cold weather, but this winter has been way too harsh here in the Valley I call home. I am definitely ready for "...Sunny with a high of 75..." as the lovely Relient K song states. But, no warmer than that. 75 is perfect.

This picture above is what my road looked like the first time it snowed,and I was actually happy about it. The second and third time, I chose to take no photos. Why, you may ask? Well, because it jsut gets old. Once you have snow pictures, you have them, the rest will just look teh same, unless you go to a different location. And who does that when there is an inch of ice on the road? Not I.

I enjoy things more along the lines of the river, as seen here:

I would pretty much live here if I could. I mean, I do, it's just down the road from my house, but I mean, permanently.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Here I am, Take Me

It has been a great few weeks of school! I just had my first exam on Monday, and let me tell you! I studied oh so hard for that bad boy and I feel like I defeated it! Oh, yes it was difficult, but studying definitely paid off!!!


Last week, here at Lee, we had a four night revival type thing that turned out awesome. I pretty sure some lives were touched and people were changed. This coming Saturday is a 12 hour praise, worship and prayer service that I have been looking forward to!! I am so excited for it!!


As for a social life, I don't really have one. I spend most of my time studying or watching my favorite shows (Bones, House, Criminal Minds and NCIS).


Most of you know that this coming Sunday is Valentine's Day aka, Single's Awareness Day, or S.A.D. I am not a big fan of S.A.D. I would prefer for it to just go away. Maybe it's because I fall in the category, "Ain't Got Nobody, so I'm gonna Hate on V-day." And that is precisely how I feel.


I look at this time in my life as a season where I am to just grow in God and listen only to Him and love only Him. He knows me best, so it is only fair for me to let Him do what is best for me.