Sunday, December 26, 2010
White Christmas
Friday, December 10, 2010
Woo Me
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
You Didn't Tell Me I had to Drill
Monday, November 1, 2010
Serving the Least of These
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Taking Advice from Jesus
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Is It Possible?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Discourse Among the Nation
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Promises and the Ark
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Power and Christmas
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Should I?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Rio Viejo

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Church and Food
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
My Favorite Hobby

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hiking Pico Bonito

Monday, September 27, 2010
GASP! Worship!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Nerves and Fear
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
This is Anna. She was willing to be my model for the day!
Again, Anna. I feel like this one has a bit of an "Alice in Wonderland" feel.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Creation and Art
This is the wall with our "Prayer Cloud." Yes, it reads Psalm 19:14, which happens to be my college benediction, I think it's a good little prayer to end with each Sunday.
This is our Sunshine corner. Notice the "special" birds flying around. They are described as, and I quote, "torpedoes flying at each other," thanks class.
Friday, September 17, 2010
"Worship, really?"
I wanted to write about my next lesson that I believe is going to be a toughy.
Not only will it be tough to teach, it is a very serious subject matter in many ways.
Worship. Many of you are probably thinking, "Worship, really?" For adults, worship is something that we undertand and comprehend as something that we as faithful Christians should do. However, seeing that I do not teach adults, but a "Tweens" class, it is going to be very difficult for them to pay attention and grasp what I am going to tell them.
All I can do is ask God to give me the words to speak to my kids.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Blue Plastic Wrap and Misshaped Birds
While the kids painted, my assistant, Amber, and I worked on making birds. I will definitely post a picture of our special little creations when this whole thing is finished. We also made a tree. I can openly admit that I am not the most artistically inclined individual, and I am also allowed to say that my bird was a "hot mess."
I think that the painting was a success, but next week they will be saddened to know that all they get to do is make flowers. and little animals.
Listen to this idea of awesome-ness! So, we were trying to figure out what to do about water, since, you know, God did create it and all, and included it in the story, we just didn't know what to do.
I thought it out and my mom gave me the idea to use blue plastic wrap... Now, I know they make it, I just wasn't sure where to find it. So, Sunday, I arrived to class, went to grab some of the plastic stuff to cover the table and floor, and lo and behold, there was some blue plastic stuff!!! Needless to say, I cut me some of that stuff, and tomorrow, I will be putting it on the wall!! It will make a darling pond!!!
I will have pictures to post when it is finished and the room is cleaned!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Paint and New Carpet
Monday, September 6, 2010
No Gum Allowed, Especially in Egypt
As you know, last Sunday, I had behavior problems out of my SS kids. This week however, they turned their behavior around and behaved like angels, surprisingly.
Well, aside from one kid, but everyone would call it ADD, I call it unwilling to pay attention to the teacher. I stood on one leg through most of the lesson holding his chair down with the other one.
You know that I taught on the Plagues of Egypt and my assistant drew them. However, what you don't know is that after we finished the lesson, the kids each were able to tell me at least one of the plagues, if not more, without looking at anything. I was a proud teacher at that very moment in time.
Now, my assistant and I have decided that there will be a "NO GUM ALLOWED" rule enforced starting this Sunday, and continuing on for forever. Here is the back story: One of the kids, we will call him Tom, had like FIVE pieces of gum in his mouth when he came in. Not only was it in his mouth, but he had been playing with it in his hands, which equals for a very sticky mess. So, after the kids left for Children's Church, I decided to clean the table because of his sticky little hand prints. HAHA!! While I was cleaning, I realized that his chair was completely covered in more sticky little hand prints. So, I then proceeded to clean the chair, luckily it was just one of those metal fold out chairs. Hence, the NO GUM ALLOWED rule. Ever. We haven't decided on what to do if the kids give us attitude about it. I guess that I will personally escort them to their parents, and let them know the situation.
We had a good time, and next week's update will be even better, and it may include a few photos.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Plagues and Unleavened Bread
Tomorrow is the kid's big "test" to see if they are going to act like humans instead of last week's example of wild banshees. I'm sure the threat of having to sit through their parent's class helped clear up their insolent behavior, but we shall see.
My lesson is on the ten plagues and passover. However, I did a summary of the plaques because it is such a long story. I'm sure I would lose their attention in, oh, say 0.02 seconds, if I even tried to read the full story from the Bible.
I asked my lovely assistant Amber to draw out the plagues on our marker board as we go... She said that she would try and I told her the point was for it to look crazy. Maybe it will keep their attention a little bit focused and less on each other.
As for keeping them out of trouble, I will be placing a chair in between each person to better enforce the "Keep your hands to yourself" rule. Hopefully this will work, seeing as my classroom is rather small. Which reminds me, I need to post a picture of my room!!! It is so adorable. I think I shall wait until we get finished with the Creation story because by then it will be completely decorated.
Now, I must get some sleep so I will be fully alert and ready to conquer any problem that we will have!
I will give an update on Monday. Let's pray for good news!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Does this make me a bad teacher? I sure hope not.
Today is one of my really good friend's birthday.
I spent the entire day cleaning my house and still did not get finished, which, in turn, means that I have to get up with the chickens to finish because we are having friends over tomorrow.
Good thing the only thing left to do is vacuum and mop.
Tonight, my high school plays our biggest rival in football and I can't be there because of the splendid birthday party going on at the same time. It's okay though, I will be there in spirit. GO BEARS!
I should quit stalling now and go get ready...
Monday, August 30, 2010
I May Need a Therapist After This
First thing, my class got in trouble for not quieting down and listening to the great story/lesson I was about to begin. Also, how to you keep kids from giggling during prayer time? Really kids, prayer is important, I promise!
Second, one of the girls fell out of her chair, not once but twice. This one is going to be trouble. I would compare her to a hurricane because no matter where she goes, there is some destruction. Also, falling out of a chair in a dress that isn't long is very unlady-like, especially when there are boys in the room.
Third, I did get them to participate, but I couldn't keep them quiet, so we disturbed the teen class in the other room. I felt bad, I have no idea what was wrong with these children.
I ended up telling them that if they came in that way next week, I would cancel Sunday school and they would have to go sit with their parents in the adult SS classes. That maybe a little unfair, but I didn't sign up to teach wild banchees about Jesus and God's love.
Next, my assistant and I did Children's Church during the service. Let me say this, I am taking my name off the rotation list.
First of all, Children's church is for children, not 11 and 12 year old tweens. This caused a big distraction and one of the girls (the same one who fell out of her chair twice) got in trouble for giving me attitude, like a bad one.
Second, the kids under the age of like eight were the best behaved, which you wouldn't expect. This could be a problem.
I then told me assistant that I was taking my name off the list.
As we played with Play-Doh, I helped the babies make creations of "ginger mans" and the letter "Z."
Snack time rolled around and we passed out Cheez-its and nasty fruit punch stuff...
I turned my back for 0.5 seconds, and the youngest girl had a red trail all the way down the front of her shirt, and into the floor. This wasn't a huge problem because of the advent of Shout (it out!!). So, she and I went to the bathroom to get as much out as possible, all the while, learning the words "purple" and "rug."
Then, story time. But, in between all the fruit punch mess, all the older kids finished and began wrecking havoc on the teen room and each other. (This is beginning to be an EPIC FAIL)
After we got everyone settled, we read them three stories that all went together, then we played music and stuff.
All the while, I kept repeating to myself, "I'm taking my name off the list."
Finally, it was over. Fin. Finito. DONE! FINISHED!!!
I felt like I should go home and find some kind of nerve pill, but instead I cooked a feast for seven and laid on my bed with my youngest niece.
Needless to say, I will not be doing Children's church again, and my SS class WILL obey classroom rules.
That is all folks. Maybe next week it will be a happier post!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
On Bullying
Although it took me longer than I wanted, it came out nicely, and this week, more dialogue will be taking place in my little corner of the church.
With this lesson being about David and Goliath, I thought I could talk about how we all have Goliaths' in our daily lives. Bullies are a big thing now, and what better way to talk about them than to tie it in to a lesson about David and Goliath, who was a big bully to not only David, but to all the Israelites.
Now, we know how the story ended, David killed Goliath with just a sling shot and one stone, but we cannot tell the children to go out and stone their bullies, that my friends is murder in the first.
The way I explain it is, if a bully is tormenting them, they should stand up and inform an adult. Bullying is terrifying, and I can speak from experience. The child being bullied is always afraid to say anything for the fear of being beaten or swirlied even worse. In the long run, telling an adult, whether it be a teacher, a parent, or an office official, it could save the child's life. The child has the power from God to be brave and conquer his or her fears.
Goliath was nothing but a big punk, and without the power of God, he had nothing on the Israelites. He went at the Israelites with a spear and a javelin, but what he didn't know was that David packed a secret weapon. His name is God. God supplied David with the power, bravery and skill to bring down that big bully. After Goliath had fallen to the small boy, the Philistines were now and eternally the Israelites subjects (servants).
I really hope that my Sunday school kids understand the importance of having God on their side because he will bring them through so many uncomfortable storms in their lives to come.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Love Never Fails Us
I explained to them that loving is very important, even if it is someone that they truly dislike, or if it is a kid in their class at school that smells and looks like they hadn't bathed in a while.
I passionately believe that we should love on "the least of these." They are most important in my eyes, and if I can convince my kids of this, then I will consider my life a success.
Love is everywhere, we just have to learn to bring it out in every situation. Love never fails us, therefore, we should never fail it.
I am very adamant that children learn to love each other and the world. I would call it my mission to love on people. Young people, older people, poor people, or rich people. They are all beautiful in God's eyes and deserve our love. ("our" being Christians)
Please, if you do nothing else, teach your kids to love. You can learn to love too.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Love and Brownies
First, let me say that I love love LOVE the age groupd, and the kids, that I will be teaching!!! I teach ages 9-11, they will 'graduate' to the teen class at 12! Last week was a trial run, with me not knowing that the class would become mine, so I feel that I did my best, considering I wasn't prepared at all!
However, tomorrow, I am going to rock this teaching gig as well as I can! I wrote a beautiful lesson on Love. I think that one thing the kids will pull away from this lesson is that love is indeed needed immensely in this world, and that it is a Christian's job to show it to everyone on the planet.
I am going to make my lovely children brownies and let them write letters to people they love.
As all of this is going on, amazing worship music will be playing in the background, giving everyone a sense of God's Holy presence.
Ya'll I am so very excited for this journey to begin!
As I proceed, I will write stories about my beautiful class, and I may even post a picture of their beautiful faces!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Fairytale Charmer
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Untimely Accidents and Summer Heat
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Burgers and Onion Rings: What can I say?
When I got back, I had more trouble getting used to the A/C and being able to flush paper in the toilet and drink the water, than I did last time.
In the three weeks I have been home, I have done nothing but sleep and read, which both happen to be my two favorite things.
Most people want good ol' American food upon re-entry, but me, I could care less. I just wanted my pillow and my bed.
As of late, I have found myself craving a hugantic burger with a side of huge onion rings and a coke. Now, I'm not much of a beef person, so this craving strikes me as odd. I normally would never ever crave aburger the sixe of my face, but for some reason, it is all I can think about!!!
I do not know whether I should give into the urge inside, or try to suppress it and not think about it!! I mean, I am trying to lose a few more, well, quite a few more inches in order to look good in my maid of honor dress. I want to look hot in my friend's wedding, is that so bad.
This gives me all the more reason to continue on in suppressing this uncontrollable urge to eat that juicy fat burger and onion rings. I mean, where would doing that get me? Absolutely nowhere.
Just the other day I went to the movies and saw Eclipse with a couple of friends, but before then, we went to eat. We arrived at Texas Roadhouse and all I could tink about was that stupid burger, and I decided to go with chicken, afraid that the overwhelming burger would cause my stomach to begin an uproar against my body and revolt against the burger. My decision to go with the chicken was fair, and I am glad that I did it.
Eclipse was by far the best and most accurate of all three Twilight Saga movies thusfar. I thoroughly enjoyed it, expecially Jasper's southern accent, mainly because I am from the South.
Gotta love a Southern Gentleman :)
If I give into the craving, I will be the first to let you know.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Summer Session 1: Fin
However, I LOVE it. It is absolutely fantastic. Yes, it makes me speak/write in short sporadic sentences. YESA!!!
In three weeks, I will be on a plane headed for SPS, Honduras, which I am so anxious to get there.
At this moment, I am currently stuck to a chair because I am wearing shorts on this hot summer day.
I haven't made a list in a while, so i think I will give it a shot:
- Jesus
- The sun, because it makes my skin golden tan
- Chicken wings
- Mexican food
- Honduras
- My church
- Random sayings that pop into my head, that no one understands except for me
- my dog
- Musicals
Today is Memorial Day, so here is a LOUD shout out to all the amazing military personnel keeping our country safe!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Important Things Have Yet to Come
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Shut Your Eyes
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Opportunity Arises

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Beautiful God
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Uneasy Feeling
Somedays, I wish that things in my future were clearer, instead of the fuzz that I see right now.
Then I think, "God's got this, so why am I fretting?" No clue, but I do, on a daily basis.
I'm not feeling positive right now, especially because I have yet to know what I will be doing after graduation in July. It's hard because my dad is one of those types that is all the time saying, "You have to have a job right then," or, "I'm afraid you won't get one." All I ever say back to him is, "I got this, do not worry about me. I know for sure that I will not get a job right off the bat."
I hate this uneasy, unsure feeling. Why won't it go away?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Spring Break
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Summer Divine

Monday, March 15, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Jumping Jelly Beans
All day I have felt like jumping up and down!! I am so excited because one of my favorite artists is going to be ther, a.k.a. Chris Tomlin!! Oh I love his music!! My favorite speaker will also be there, a.k.a. Jentzen Franklin.
This will be my oldest niece, Sade, first time getting to go to WinterFest, and I'm not sure she knows what is in store for her! I know for a fact that God is going to be all over that stadium. We have been praying about this weekend for months, and I know God has something special in store for ever single one of us going.
Fact: tomorrow, I am going to Farm House, a local country restaurant where I live. It is the hot spot for an after chapel meal, mainly because college students get a free sweet tea, which is a big thing, especially if youare from the South, like myself.
I will update you on how WinterFest went as soon as I get back!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Sunshine, That Is Not In a Bag...
Today though, I am happy and content with the sunny 46 degrees, even though it feels warmer outside. Put it this way, I'm not wearing a jacket,and that is okay with me!!!
This mornign we had Travis Cottrell as our worship leader. It was so fantastic!
I think it is safe to say that this weekend is going to be pretty much fantastic. Alice in Wonderland comes out tomorrow night, and I am going to see it in 3D with my sister and her family. I am so completely stoked!!!! Number one, Johnny Depp is in it, he is fantastice, and number two, it is going to be so creepy!!! I love creepy movies!! They are the best.
Friday, February 26, 2010
1. The sun is shining
2. It is freezing, and I do't like it
3. In just a few short hours I will be making a short drive to Georgia to pick up my youngest niece when she gets out of school
It has undoubtedly been the longest week of my entire life!! I am currently in the process of lining up a job for when I have graduated. Let me just say that it is definitely a stressful process. Everytime I turn around, I have missed a deadline for something or, because I have not yet graduated, I do not have official transcripts, so I cannot apply or send a resume. BOO!!
That's really all I have right now. If something else comes up, I will definitely holla back!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Weekend Wipe-Out
Friday night, I went to the movies to see Shutter Island, which was not all it wass copped up to be...
Saturday, my step-dad left and returned home with a truck -load of dirt. DIRT!!! 1200 pounds of it!! Every country girl's dream!!!! I had a blast shoveling the dirt to the ground! It was the best thing ever!! No lie!! After about and hour and a half of shovel, we finally emptied the truck! That afternoon I met up with some great friends to lay in the sun in the park, seeing that the weather was absolutely fantastic and all! We laid there talking and giggling and we might have even did a little interpretive dancing...::chuckles::
Sunday, I woke up realizing that shoveling that much dirt is a full body work-out, no joke! I was, and still am, very very sore!!
I spent the afternoon with my lovely sister and then came home from church to study for a test that occurred at 8:00 this morning... I believe I did fine, hopefully. I must now go begin studying for a medical terminology test that will happen next week!! Toodles!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Scared to Bits
Now, as for myself, I LOVE movies that are likely to make me scream, but as for on of the people going with me, Annar, well, she's not one for the scariness...
Lemme just say that I am so incredibly EXCITED!! I mean look at all of the usage of 'all caps' lettering... It sends the message, yeah?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Well, it snowed again today. :( I was so disappointed when that stupid stuff started falling from the sky...
Tonight, I went to a Chinese New Year party thing at my school...I met Annar's sister, who's name I cannot remember right now(sorry), and hung out with some great people.
When I got home, I thought I would take some snow pictures, even though I protested the other day, and I already have a million. So, as I am standing on the front porch of my lovely country abode, I hear what I think is coyotes yelling. I completely wigged out and made my presh little puppy come in, because who wants their favorite little doggy to be eaten by ravage coyotes.
Now, I am not sure if the "s" should be on the end of the word coyote, but because of where I am from, that's how we say it.
Anyhow, so I came in, to an empty house, because my mom and step-dad are out of town for the weekend. I immediately decided that it is movie time...But I don't know what to watch... I think I will grab a Krispy Creme doughnut, or two :), and go watch some movies...Because, what 21 year old goes to bed at 9:00 P.M. on a Friday night?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
River the Making
This picture above is what my road looked like the first time it snowed,and I was actually happy about it. The second and third time, I chose to take no photos. Why, you may ask? Well, because it jsut gets old. Once you have snow pictures, you have them, the rest will just look teh same, unless you go to a different location. And who does that when there is an inch of ice on the road? Not I.
I enjoy things more along the lines of the river, as seen here:
I would pretty much live here if I could. I mean, I do, it's just down the road from my house, but I mean, permanently.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Here I am, Take Me
Last week, here at Lee, we had a four night revival type thing that turned out awesome. I pretty sure some lives were touched and people were changed. This coming Saturday is a 12 hour praise, worship and prayer service that I have been looking forward to!! I am so excited for it!!
As for a social life, I don't really have one. I spend most of my time studying or watching my favorite shows (Bones, House, Criminal Minds and NCIS).
Most of you know that this coming Sunday is Valentine's Day aka, Single's Awareness Day, or S.A.D. I am not a big fan of S.A.D. I would prefer for it to just go away. Maybe it's because I fall in the category, "Ain't Got Nobody, so I'm gonna Hate on V-day." And that is precisely how I feel.
I look at this time in my life as a season where I am to just grow in God and listen only to Him and love only Him. He knows me best, so it is only fair for me to let Him do what is best for me.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Early Mondays!!!!!
Anyhow, she doesn't really like getting up that early, but hey who does, well, except for me!! I am definitely a morning person, even if I didn't get that much sleep. Coffee helps me to wake up, but I don't have to have it. It's not a necessity, but it tastes good.
This weekend was pretty much awesome, well for me. Friday night, Annar and I went to a coffee shop adn sat there for like two hours just talking, and yes, there was no moments of silence. Of course not. When you put two girls together, it's like automatic talk-fest.
Saturday, I accomplished homework and grocery shopping with my mom. Then I took the rest of the day off. Sunday, I did nothing, well except finish some last minute reading.
Today I plan on taking a nap because I feel sleepy. Maybe I won't. I dunno. I should read some for Medical terminology, a class I have, but we'll see!
Tonight is LG with some of my favorite people! I cannot wait! It is going to be a blast!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sitting there yesterday, I pondered why the girl may have said it, then remembered, most people in her village had dark eyes, it was rare to have light eyes. I have bright green eyes, so it was different for her to see my color of eyes.
Often times, I think, "Man, I wish my eyes were a brighter green." That memory yesterday helped me to remember that God gave me these eyes, and they are perfect just as they are. I do not need to change them. that little girl was sent to tell me that through her very own way.