It's been a few weeks since I have written. Life has been so busy lately with summer school, life, and friends....
This weekend, I decided that since my mom and step-dad were gonna be outta town, I would go to my sister's house in good ol' Georgia. She and her husband surprised me with a trip to the county fair.
I was sooo excited, I had never been to a fair before. Saturday afternoon we headed out. First, a shopping trip, then diner, then THE FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Off we went, TJMax was calling, so we stopped there. Went to Ryan's for dinner.
We got to the fair, and the smell of funnel cake overwhelmed, seeing that I had just eaten. First, we rode the Ferris Wheel, which I happen to be terrified of. As we went around, I began counting, which is an obssessive thing I do when I get panicky or scared. Anyhow, we got off the Ferris Wheel and we pretty much ran for the Orbiter...OMG the best thing EVER. I rode with my niece L. She made it more enjoyable because of the witty things she was yelling at the top of her lungs. We got off that and rode the other things. As we were standing in line for our last ride, it began to rain. We headed for a tent. It began to slack off, so L and her dad R wanted to throw darts at balloons for a stuffed animal. My sister and I stood there waiting on them. It began to rain again so we darted under the awning of the dart throwing place. Then, the sky fell out and it poured. We then ran to the nearest tent, which happened to be the animal tent. It rained, the wind blew, it rained some more, and the wind blew even harder. We were soaked, even though we were under a tent. R went ahead to unlock the car doors. We stood there and Sis and L began taking of their shoes. She said on the count of 10, we are running. She got to 3, and I yelled GO!!!!1 so we took off. I took my sandals off, and the water was above my ankles. We ran through mud and rocks and nasty water and finally made it to the car.
My soaking adventure this weekend made me remember what it was like to be a kid, and actually have no worries...
It was great.