Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Can I Just Say?
Friday, December 26, 2008
Just Another Day
I am happy with my gifts, I got everything that I wanted, except one thing. That is love. Not only from family, but I wanted my one and only to come to me this year. But, as I read on my friends blog, maybe my turn will come around next year. If God sees fit that is.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Time Is Here
Friday, December 19, 2008
Nothin' Much To Say
On a lighter note, I am lovin' this weather right now at this moment. I hope that it stays this way, only, maybe let it get way colder...
I am sooo hungry, and there is a Christmas party later, I'm not sure if I want to go though. I really don't have anything to wear, PLUS it's for the Sunday school class at my church that I'm in. That mainly consists of married adults. Hmmm, should I stay, or should I go? Another off beat fact about the party, it's at one of the teacher's house, who, by the way, has a gorgeous son, who unfortunately has a girlfriend...Oh well...
Anyhow, now that I'm done rambling, I'm gonna go now.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Muddy Water
Today, I recieved a call from the director of the ministry I volunteer with. She wanted to know if I wanted to come and join her and another volunteer to do some things at the OFFICE. So, later this afternoon, I arrived, only to find out that it was time for me to do the ever famous "Berries and Cream" dance that I love to do for people(it's a commercial for Starburst), on a live feed from the ministry's blog...HAHA it was fun. Anyhow, as the three of us continued to talk to blog readers, we laughed and stuff, like girls do. Anna and I decided to sword fight with not swords, but giganticnormous flowers that stand in the front room. Savvy, eh? Yes, so, first we jousted, then we 'fought' in slow motion. It was a jolly good time...Jolly, what a fantabulous word to say. JOLLY. Then they, being the blog readers that were watching us, to ask us about boys. I invented PRETEND BF from Italy, who shall remain nameless. AB then asked about any boy news, and what I should have said was that, Apparently I have a guy, God just haven't given him to me yet. Fun times.
I'm now gonna give a shout out to AB and Anna...See you ladies in the A.M.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sinking like a concrete block
Crying out, only to be left unheard
Have you left me?
Should I even ask?
The pressure building up
My chest begins to compress
Lungs collapsing
Can't breathe
Are you going to save me?
Or let me fall to my death
On the black Ocean floor?
I hear your voice
Calling out my name
Is it real?
Or am I dying?
You get closer,
I can feel your arms around me
I feel the pressure start to lift
Slowly you bring me from the depths
You didn't leave me
You came to my rescue
I'm out of the watery depths now
My lungs burning for oxygen
Stable enough to breathe on my own
You raise me to my feet
Only, this time, you pick me up and carry me
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Going Under
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Playin' elf
Friday, November 7, 2008
Been Awhile...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thursday's list...:)
barking dogs at 5 A.M. is not fun
I love caffiene
"Sunday Morning's rain is poring..."
"Why Georgia, Why?"
Halloween is friday, which is TOMORROW!!!
being honest, I haven't been praying like I should
Jesus still loves me though
I have to do a formal lab report today...not fun
monkeys sit on my window sill and laugh...
I really don't have a window sill
Sparkle programs are today, and I have to teach
clouds are covering, ever shining with that silver lining
chunky peanut butter is the best
E.Coli is nasty, and it stinks
so there you have it, 15 things that are completely irrelevant to life on thursday.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
another list
1.Eat my apple, which I loved, it was good
2. go to Micro lecture, and find out that she has cancelled the exam until next tuesday
3. Once again, Jesus greeted me with "Hello Love" this morning, He loves me
4. I skipped chapel, which is okay once in a while
5. One day, I will be in Honduras helping ppl get better
6. I am taking my friend Sarah to my sister's house this weekend, it will be fun
7. I am gonna have a packed semester next semster...
8. My dog was curled up in the patio chair this morning, he is a rather large animal
9. the sunrise was awesome this morning
10. I am going to class now
The List Of NO Tomorrow
hmmm...my list...
crunching the leaves outside
clouds that look like bunnies
mountainswriting, even though mine doesn't make sense
singing loudly to stupid songs form the 90's
jumping on the bedd with sade and lea
sleep, or seep
junk foodtacos
mexican food in general
friends who know where I'm coming from
immunity to sickness
cold weather
snow :D
puppies named PeeWee and Samson
oh, Amy Beth lol...
listeners like Jesus
days where there is nothing to do
being lazy
my ministry friends
loving ppl
relationship with God
my journal, that hasn't gotten much attention lately
Sparkle girls
being loved
inspiring photography
taking pictures
deep conversations
Alot of these aren't just blessings, but things I love to do in general...Take the time to reflect, count your blessing, you never know how blessed you are until you do!!:)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A LiSt....a LiSt
2. I love Granny Smith Apples, they are yummy ;)
3. Today in Moicrbiology lab, we are testing to see which household cleaners actualy work in killing germs...
4. Smoothies are Grrrrrreat
5. Jesus told me "Hello Beautiful" this morning
6. The T cells in our body are extremely important
7. Antibodies enclose an antigen to eradicate it so we don't get sick, and sometimes they even remember the disease, once being exposed to it
8. I've never worn orange before, and I think i like it, it's the color i have on today
9. I almost put down another number 8 just then...
10. I am in an extremely GOOD mood today!!
11. I had sweet tea this morning, it was yummy :-D
12. I had to end this with an even number, because I have to make things even, it's and OCD thing
Saturday, October 18, 2008
No Hope 'Til The End
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Teetering Through
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Life Without Love...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Aside From Yesterday...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Check up
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"...Another One Bites The Dust..."
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunrise At My House

The song, "In Wonder" by the Newsboys describes this picture perfectly. I was astounded when I saw this picture, well, and of course the real thing. I immediately knew that the retreat I was getting ready for was going to be AMAZING. And it was. God grants us certainty in strange ways, but He knows that we can handle it...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
1. You love love love science
2. You ador the fact that, when stuck in an incubator, bacteria on agar truly grows, and the colors are fascinating.
3.You and your "nerd" friends get excited when it's time to collect data from the things that you've grown...oooh it's fun...
4. You confuse your non-science loving friends by rambling on about microbial pathogens that are aiming to take over the earth...
5. You get easily all happy-fied when your experiment works...yay
There you have it...A list to comply with if you are anything like the science "nerds" i thouroughly enjoy being around, and that includes myself
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Oh Every Afternoon
:::Ten Songs To Ponder:::
1.That's Just the Way We Roll by The Jonas Brothers
2. Billie Jean covered by David Cook
3.East to West by CAsting Crowns
4.For Who You Are by Hillsong
5.From the Inside Out by Hillsong
6.Here's My Life by Barlow Girl
7. How Great Is Ou God by Chris Tomlin
8.King of Glory by Josh Bates
9.A Little bit Longer by The Jonas Brothers
10.Mighty To Save by Hillsong
These songs are in no preference order. It's just how I came to them on my iPod. The songs that are on my list have either touched my life through God or just songs that I really like. yes there are a few that most people would never admit listening to, but I have no shame in the music I choose to listen to. If you ever get a chance, take a listen to a few of these. You might find yourself surprised at what you like...